Math 341, Elementary Linear Algebra, winter 2025 (CRN 23545)
- PROFESSOR: Arkady Berenstein, 306
- CLASSES: MWR 16:00--16:50, 253 Straub.
- OFFICE HOURS: W 17:00-18:50 (or by
appointment, please use e-mail).
- TEXT: Linear Algebra and Its
Applications, by David C. Lay, Steven C. Lay, Judy J. McDonald, 6th
edition, Pearson Education Inc., Chapters 1-4.
- PREREQUISITES: Math 252-253 or the
instructor's consent. I assume you have had a year sequence of calculus at
the university level.
- COURSE CONTENT: In Math 341-342 we study
several topics: vector and matrix algebra; n-dimensional vector
spaces; systems of linear equations; linear independence and dimension;
linear transformations; rank and nullity; determinants; eigenvalues; inner
product spaces; theory of a single linear transformation. We will also
cover many applications of these topics. Specific "learning outcomes"
include being able to find the solutions of a system of linear equations
and understand the geometric meaning of the space of solutions;
understanding the notions of a subspace, basis, and dimension, finding
bases, and computing dimensions; understanding how to represent vectors
with respect to different bases; understanding the definitions of linear
transformations, some basic examples, and how to write linear
transformations in terms of matrices; being able to find bases for the
kernel and image of a linear transformation; and being able to compute
- ATTENDANCE: Please remember that if you
miss a class it is your responsibility to find out what happened in that
- COURSE WEB PAGE: The homework and other class
material will be available in Canvas and at the web course page
- GRADING: Total 100%. Will be based on:
- HOMEWORK (20%): Homework will be
collected on Thursdays. The first homework due on January 16. Late
homework will not be accepted. I will choose a subset of the assigned
problems to be graded. The lowest homework score will be dropped.
- QUIZZES (15%) There will be short
quizzes on Tuesday week 3 and Monday weeks 5, 8. They will be based on
the material covered in the previous week's homework.
- ONE MIDTERM (30%): on Monday February 10.
- FINAL (35%) Tuesday March 18,
REMARK: I expect you to be able to carry out matrix calculations
by hand so as to gain a solid understanding of what these calculations entail.
You may use graphing calculators, Mathlab, Maple etc.
on your homework problems. You will not be allowed to use them on your quizzes
or exams. You may have one 3x5 inches with any formulas you wish during the
quizzes, midterm and the final exam.
Tentative Schedule
Week 1/Jan.
sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Week 2/Jan.
sections 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Week 3/Jan.
Quiz 1**, sections
1.7, 1.8, 1.9
Week 4/Jan.
sections 1.9, 2.1, 2.2
Week 5/ Feb. 3-7
Quiz 2, sections 2.2, 2.3, Review
Week 6/Feb.
Midterm, sections 2.4, 2.5
Week 7/Feb.
sections 2.8, 2.9, 3.1
Week 8/Feb.
Quiz 3, sections 3.2, 3.3, 4.1
Week 9/Mar.
sections 4.2, 4.3
Week 10/Mar. 10-14
sections 4.4, 4.5, 4.6,
Final Review
*No class on January 20 -
Martin Luther King holiday
** Quiz 1 will be on Tuesday January 21
Important dates (See Course Schedule or Academic Calendar):
Last day to drop a class without a "W;"
Last day to add a class;
Feb 23:
Last day to drop a class with a "W", change grade options (Graded or