- Cyclotomic nil-Brauer and singular Soergel bimodules of type D,
submitted, 54 pages, pdf (with E. Bodish and B. Elias).
We introduce a new family of monoidal categories which are cyclotomic quotients
of the nil-Brauer category.
We construct a monoidal functor from the
cyclotomic nil-Brauer category of level
to another monoidal category constructed from singular Soergel bimodules of type .
We conjecture that our functor is an equivalence of categories.
Although we can prove neither fullness nor faithfulness at this point,
we are able to show that the functor induces an isomorphism
at the level of Grothendieck rings.
We compute these rings and their canonical bases
over any field of characteristic different from 2, and give
diagrammatic descriptions of the corresponding
primitive idempotents.
- Nil-Brauer categorifies the split -quantum group of rank one,
submitted, 53 pages, pdf (with W. Wang and B. Webster).
We prove that the Grothendieck ring of the
monoidal category of finitely generated graded projective modules for the nil-Brauer category is isomorphic to an integral form of the split -quantum group of rank one. Under this isomorphism, the indecomposable graded projective modules correspond to the -canonical basis. We also introduce a new
PBW basis for the
-quantum group and show that it is
categorified by standard modules
for the nil-Brauer category. Finally, we derive character formulae for irreducible graded modules and
deduce various branching rules.
- Graded triangular bases,
submitted, 36 pages, pdf.
This article develops a practical technique for studying representations of -linear categories arising in the categorification of quantum groups.
We work in terms of locally unital algebras which are -graded with graded pieces that are
finite-dimensional and bounded below,
developing a theory of {\em graded triangular bases} for such algebras.
The definition is a graded extension of the notion of triangular basis as formulated in \cite{BS}. However, in the general graded setting, finitely generated projective
modules often fail to be Noetherian,
so that existing results from the study of highest weight categories are not directly applicable. Nevertheless, we show that there is still a good theory of {\em standard modules}. In motivating examples arising from Kac-Moody 2-categories, these modules categorify the PBW bases for
the modified forms of
quantum groups constructed by Wang.
- Odd Grassmannian bimodules and derived equivalences for spin symmetric groups,
submitted, 100 pages, pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We prove odd analogs of results of Chuang and Rouquier
on -categorification.
Combined also with recent work of the second author with Livesey,
this allows us to complete the proof of Broue's Abelian Defect Conjecture for the double covers of symmetric groups.
The article also develops the theory of odd symmetric functions initiated a decade ago by Ellis, Khovanov and Lauda.
A key role in our approach is played by a 2-supercategory
consisting of {\em odd Grassmannian bimodules} over superalgebras
which are odd analogs of equivariant cohomology algebras of Grassmannians. This is the odd analog of the category of Grassmannian bimodules which was at the heart of Lauda's
independent approach to
categorification of . We also construct an action of the odd 2-category on odd Grassmannian bimodules and use this to give a new proof of its non-degeneracy.
The -Schur category
and polynomial tilting modules for quantum , to appear in Pacific J. Math., 34 pages,
The {\em -Schur category}
is a -linear monoidal category
closely related to the -Schur algebra.
We explain how to construct it from coordinate algebras of quantum for all .
Then we use Donkin's work on Ringel duality for -Schur algebras to make precise the relationship between the -Schur category and a -form for the -web category of Cautis, Kamnitzer and Morrison.
We construct explicit
integral bases for morphism spaces in the latter category, and extend the
Cautis-Kamnitzer-Morrison theorem
to polynomial representations of quantum at a root of unity over a field of any characteristic.
- The nil-Brauer category,
Ann. Represent. Theory
1 (2024), 21-58, pdf (with W. Wang and B. Webster).
We introduce the nil-Brauer category and prove a basis theorem for its morphism spaces. This basis theorem is an essential ingredient required to prove that nil-Brauer categorifies the split -quantum group of rank one. As this -quantum group is a basic building block for -quantum groups of higher rank, we expect that the nil-Brauer category will play a central role in future developments related to the categorification of quantum symmetric pairs.
- Semi-infinite highest weight categories,
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 293 (2024), vii+152, pdf (with C. Stroppel).
We develop axiomatics of highest weight
categories and quasi-hereditary algebras in order to
incorporate two semi-infinite situations which are in Ringel duality
with each other; the underlying posets
are either
{\em upper finite} or {\em lower finite}.
We also consider various more general sorts of stratified categories.
In the upper finite cases, we give an alternative
characterization of these categories
in terms of based quasi-hereditary algebras and based stratified
algebras, which are certain locally unital algebras
possessing triangular bases.
- The degenerate Heisenberg category and its Grothendieck ring,
Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 56 (2023), 1517-1563, pdf (with A. Savage and B. Webster).
The degenerate Heisenberg category
is a strict monoidal category which
was originally introduced in the special case
by Khovanov in 2010.
Khovanov conjectured that the Grothendieck ring
of the additive Karoubi envelope of his category is isomorphic to a
certain -form for the
universal enveloping algebra of the infinite-dimensional Heisenberg
Lie algebra specialized at central charge . We prove this
conjecture and extend it to arbitrary central charge .
We also explain how to categorify the comultiplication (generically).
- A new approach to the representation theory of the partition category, J. Algebra 601 (2022), 198--279 pdf (with M. Vargas).
We explain a new approach to the representation theory of the
partition category based on a reformulation of the definition of the Jucys-Murphy
elements introduced originally by Halverson and Ram and developed further by Enyang. Our reformulation involves a new graphical monoidal category, the
{\em affine partition category}, which is defined here as a certain monoidal subcategory of Khovanov's Heisenberg category.
We use the Jucys-Murphy elements to construct
some special projective functors, then apply these functors
to give self-contained proofs of results of Comes and
Ostrik on blocks of Deligne’s category .
- Quantum Frobenius Heisenberg categorification,
JPAA 226 (2022), paper no. 106792, 50 pp., pdf (with A. Savage and B. Webster).
We associate a diagrammatic monoidal category ,
which we call the quantum Frobenius Heisenberg category, to
a symmetric Frobenius superalgebra , a central charge , and invertible parameters in some ground ring. When is trivial, i.e. it equals the ground ring,
these categories recover the quantum Heisenberg categories
introduced in our previous work, and when the central charge is
zero they yield generalizations of the affine HOMFLY-PT skein
category. By exploiting some natural categorical actions of
on generalized cyclotomic quotients, we prove a basis theorem for morphism spaces.
- Foundations of Frobenius Heisenberg categories,
J. Algebra 578 (2021), 115-185 pdf (with A. Savage and B. Webster).
We describe bases for the morphism spaces of the Frobenius Heisenberg categories associated to a symmetric graded Frobenius algebra, proving several open conjectures. Our proof uses a categorical comultiplication and generalized cyclotomic quotients of the category. We use our basis theorem to prove that the Grothendieck ring of the Karoubi envelope of the Frobenius Heisenberg category recovers the lattice Heisenberg algebra associated to the Frobenius algebra.
- Heisenberg and Kac-Moody categorification,
Selecta Math. 26 (2020), 74,
pdf (with A. Savage and B. Webster).
We show that any Abelian
module category over the (degenerate or quantum) Heisenberg category
satisfying suitable finiteness conditions
may be viewed as a 2-representation over a corresponding
Kac-Moody 2-category (and vice versa).
This gives a way to construct Kac-Moody actions in many representation-theoretic examples
which is independent of Rouquier's original approach via `control by
K_0.' As an application, we prove an isomorphism theorem for generalized cyclotomic
quotients of these categories, extending the known isomorphism between
cyclotomic quotients of type A affine Hecke algebras and quiver Hecke algebras.
- Semisimplification of the category of tilting modules for GL_n,
Advances Math. 375 (2020), 107331, pdf (with I. Entova, P. Etingof and V. Ostrik).
We describe the semisimplification of the monoidal category of tilting modules for the algebraic group in characteristic . In particular, we compute the dimensions of the indecomposable tilting modules modulo .
- On the definition of quantum Heisenberg category,
Alg. Numb. Theory 14 (2020), 275-321, pdf (with A. Savage and B. Webster).
We introduce a diagrammatic
monoidal category
which we call the quantum Heisenberg category;
here, is ``central charge'' and and are invertible
Special cases were known before: for central charge and parameters
our quantum Heisenberg category may be obtained from
the deformed version of Khovanov's Heisenberg category introduced by Licata and
the second author by inverting its polynomial generator, while
is the affinization of the
HOMFLY-PT skein category.
We also prove a basis theorem for the morphism spaces in .
- A basis theorem for the degenerate affine oriented Brauer-Clifford supercategory,
Canad. J. Math. 71 (2019), 1061–1101, pdf (with J. Comes and J. Kujawa).
We introduce the oriented Brauer-Clifford and degenerate affine oriented Brauer-Clifford superalgebra. These are diagrammatically defined monoidal supercategories which provide combinatorial models for certain natural monoidal supercategories of supermodules and endosuperfunctors, respectively, for the Lie superalgebras of type Q. Our main results are basis theorems for these diagram supercategories. We also discuss connections and applications to the representation theory of the Lie superalgebra of type Q.
Type C blocks of super category ,
Math. Z. 293 (2019), 867-901,
pdf plus some GAP code cited in the text (with N. Davidson).
We show that the blocks of category
for the Lie superalgebra associated to
half-integral weights
carry the structure of a tensor product categorification for the infinite rank Kac-Moody algebra of
type C.
This allows us to prove two conjectures formulated by Cheng, Kwon and Lam.
We then focus on the full subcategory consisting of finite-dimensional
representations, which we show is a highest weight category with
blocks that are Morita equivalent to certain generalized Khovanov
arc algebras.
Whittaker coinvariants for GL(m|n),
Advances Math. 347 (2019), 273-339,
pdf (with S. Goodwin).
Let be
the (finite) -algebra attached to the
nilpotent orbit in the general linear Lie superalgebra
In this paper we study the Whittaker coinvariants functor, which
is an exact functor from
category for
to a certain category of
finite-dimensional modules over .
We show that this functor has
properties similar to Soergel's
functor in the setting of category for a semisimple
Lie algebra.
We also use it to compute the center of explicitly, and deduce some
consequences for
the classification of blocks of up to Morita/derived equivalence.
- The p-centre of Yangians and shifted Yangians,
Mosc. Math. J. 18 (2018), 617-657
, pdf (with L. Topley).
We study the Yangian associated to the general linear Lie
over a field of positive characteristic, as well as its shifted analog . Our main result
gives a description of the centre of : it is a polynomial algebra
generated by its Harish-Chandra centre (which lifts the centre in characteristic zero)
together with a large -centre. Moreover,
is free as a module over its center.
In future work, it will be seen that every reduced enveloping algebra
is Morita equivalent to a quotient of an appropriate choice of
shifted Yangian, and so our results
will have applications in classical representation theory.
- On the definition of Heisenberg category,
Alg. Comb. 1 (2018), 523-544, pdf.
We revisit the definition of the Heisenberg category of level .
In level , this category was
introduced originally by Khovanov, but with
some additional cyclicity relations which we show here are
In other negative levels, the definition is due to Mackaay and
Savage, also with some redundant relations,
while the level zero case is the affine oriented Brauer
category of Brundan, Comes, Nash and Reynolds.
We also discuss cyclotomic quotients.
- Representations of the oriented skein category,
unpublished, preprint made available in 2017, pdf.
The oriented skein category
is a ribbon category which underpins the definition of the HOMFLY-PT invariant of an oriented link,
in the same way that the Temperley-Lieb category
underpins the Jones polynomial.
In this article, we develop its representation theory using a highest
weight theory approach.
This allows us to determine the Grothendieck ring of its additive
Karoubi envelope for all possible choices of parameters, including
the (already well-known) semisimple case,
and all non-semisimple situations.
Then we construct a graded lift of by realizing it as a
2-representation of a Kac-Moody 2-category.
We also discuss the degenerate analog of , which is the
oriented Brauer category .
Super Kac-Moody 2-categories,
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 115 (2017), 925–973,
pdf (with A. Ellis).
We introduce generalizations of Kac-Moody 2-categories
in which the quiver Hecke algebras
of Khovanov, Lauda and Rouquier
are replaced by the
quiver Hecke superalgebras of
Kang, Kashiwara and Tsuchioka.
Tensor product categorifications and the super Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture,
Int. Math. Res. Notices 20 (2017), 6329–6410
pdf (with I. Losev and B. Webster).
We give a new proof of the "super Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture" for
the Lie superalgebra as formulated
originally by the first author.
We also prove for the first time that any integral block of
category for
(and also all of its parabolic analogs)
possesses a graded version which is Koszul.
Our approach depends crucially on an application of
the uniqueness of tensor product categorifications established recently by the second two authors.
Monoidal supercategories,
Commun. Math. Phys. 351 (2017), 1045-1089
pdf (with A. Ellis).
This work is a companion to our article "Super Kac-Moody
2-categories," which introduces super analogs of the
Kac-Moody 2-categories of Khovanov-Lauda and Rouquier. In the case of
, the super Kac-Moody 2-category was
constructed already in [A. Ellis and A. Lauda, "An odd categorification
of "],
but we found that the
formalism adopted there became too cumbersome in the general
case. Instead, it is better to work with 2-supercategories (roughly, 2-categories enriched in
vector superspaces). Then the Ellis-Lauda
which we call here a -2-category (roughly, a 2-category equipped with a distinguished
involution in its Drinfeld center),
can be recovered by taking the superadditive
envelope then passing to the underlying 2-category.
The main goal of this article is to develop this language and the
related formal constructions, in the hope that these foundations may prove useful in other contexts.
A basis theorem for the affine oriented Brauer category and its cyclotomic quotients, Quantum Topology 8 (2017), 75-112
pdf (with J. Comes, D. Nash and A. Reynolds).
The affine oriented Brauer category
is a monoidal category obtained from the
oriented Brauer category ( the free symmetric monoidal category generated by a single object and its dual) by adjoining a polynomial generator subject to appropriate relations.
In this article, we prove a basis theorem for the morphism spaces in this category, as well as for all of its cyclotomic quotients.
Categorical actions and crystals,
Contemp. Math. 684 (2017), 116-159,
pdf (with N. Davidson).
This is an expository article developing some aspects
of the theory of categorical actions of Kac-Moody algebras in the
spirit of works of Chuang-Rouquier, Khovanov-Lauda, Webster, and many others.
Type A blocks of super category , J. Algebra 473 (2017), 447–480,
pdf plus some GAP code cited in the text (with N. Davidson).
We show that every block of category for the
general linear Lie superalgebra
is equivalent to some corresponding block
of category for the queer Lie superalgebra .
This implies the truth of the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture
for the so-called type A blocks of category for the queer Lie superalgebra
as formulated by Cheng, Kwon and Wang.
On the definition of Kac-Moody 2-category,
Math. Ann. 364 (2016), 353-372,
We show that
the Kac-Moody 2-categories defined by Rouquier and by Khovanov and Lauda are the same.
Representations of the general linear Lie superalgebra in the BGG category ,
in: "Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory: Algebraic Methods," eds. G. Mason et al., Developments in Mathematics 38, Springer, 2014, pp. 71–98,
plus some GAP code cited in the text.
This is a survey of some recent developments in the highest weight
repesentation theory of the general linear Lie superalgebra
The main focus is on the analog of the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture
as formulated by the author in 2002, which
was finally proved in 2011 by Cheng, Lam and Wang.
Recently another proof
has been obtained by the author joint with Losev and Webster,
by a method which leads moreover to the construction of a Koszul-graded lift
of category for this Lie superalgebra.
Homological properties of finite type Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras,
Duke Math. J. 163 (2014), no. 7, 1353–1404,
pdf plus a text file
containing some computations
(with A. Kleshchev and P. McNamara).
We give an algebraic construction of
standard modules--infinite dimensional modules categorifying the PBW basis of
the underlying quantized enveloping algebra--for
Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras in all
finite types.
This allows us to prove in an elementary way
that these algebras satisfy the homological properties of an "affine
quasi-hereditary algebra."
In simply-laced types these properties were established originally by
Kato via a geometric approach. We also construct some Koszul-like projective resolutions of
standard modules corresponding to multiplicity-free positive roots.
Schur-Weyl duality and categorification, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians—Seoul 2014. Vol. III, 51–70, Kyung Moon Sa, Seoul, 2014, pdf.
In some joint work with Kleshchev in 2008,
we discovered a higher level analog of
Schur-Weyl duality, relating parabolic category for the
general linear Lie algebra to certain cyclotomic Hecke algebras.
Meanwhile Rouquier and others were developing a general axiomatic
approach to the study of categorical actions of Lie
In this survey, we recall aspects of these two theories, then explain some related recent developments due to Losev and Webster
involving tensor product categorifications.
Quiver Hecke algebras and categorification,
in: "Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras,"
eds: D. Benson et al, EMS Congress Reports, 2013, pp.103-133,
This is a brief introduction to the
quiver Hecke algebras of Khovanov, Lauda and Rouquier, emphasizing their application to the
categorification of quantum groups.
The text is based on lectures given by the author at the
ICRA workshop in Bielefeld in August, 2012.
Principal W-algebras for GL,
Algebra Numb. Theory 7 (2013), 1849-1882,
pdf (with J. Brown and S. Goodwin).
We consider the (finite) -algebra attached to the
nilpotent orbit in the general linear Lie superalgebra
. Our main result gives an explicit
description of as a certain truncation of a
shifted version of the Yangian .
We also show that admits a triangular decomposition
and construct its irreducible representations.
Gradings on walled Brauer algebras and Khovanov's arc algebra,
Advances Math. 231 (2012), 709-773,
pdf (with C. Stroppel).
We introduce some -graded versions of the walled Brauer algebra
working over a field of characteristic zero.
This allows us to prove that is Morita equivalent to
an idempotent truncation of a certain
infinite dimensional version of Khovanov's arc algebra.
We deduce that the walled Brauer algebra is Koszul
whenever .
An orthogonal form for level two Hecke algebras with applications,
Contemp. Math. 565 (2012), 29-53.
This is a survey of some recent results relating Khovanov's arc algebra to
category for Grassmannians, the general linear supergroup,
the walled Brauer algebra.
The exposition emphasizes
an extension of Young's orthogonal form for
level two cyclotomic Hecke algebras.
Highest weight categories arising from Khovanov's diagram algebra IV: the general linear supergroup,
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 14 (2012), 373-419,
pdf (with C. Stroppel).
We prove that blocks of
the general linear
supergroup are Morita
equivalent to
a limiting version of Khovanov's diagram algebra.
We deduce that blocks of the general linear supergroup are Koszul.
Highest weight categories arising from Khovanov's diagram algebra I: cellularity,
Mosc. Math. J. 11 (2011), 685-722,
pdf (with C. Stroppel).
This is the first of four articles
studying some slight generalisations
of Khovanov's diagram algebra,
as well as quasi-hereditary covers
of these algebras in the sense of Rouquier, and certain
infinite dimensional limiting versions ,
and .
In this article we prove that is a cellular symmetric algebra
and that is a cellular quasi-hereditary
algebra. In subsequent articles, we
relate and
to level two blocks of
degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
parabolic category and the general linear supergroup,
Moeglin's theorem and Goldie rank polynomials in Cartan type A,
Compositio Math. 147 (2011), 1741-1771,
We use the theory of finite -algebras associated to nilpotent orbits in the Lie
give another proof of Moeglin's
theorem about completely prime
primitive ideals in the enveloping algebra .
We also make some new observations about Joseph's Goldie rank
polynomials in Cartan type .
Cohomology of Spaltenstein varieties,
Transform. Groups 16 (2011), 619-648,
pdf (with V. Ostrik).
We give a presentation for the cohomology algebra of the
Spaltenstein variety of all partial flags annihilated by a fixed nilpotent
matrix, generalizing the description of the cohomology algebra of the
Springer fiber found by De Concini, Procesi and Tanisaki.
Graded Specht modules,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 655 (2011), 61-87,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev and W. Wang).
Recently, the first two authors have defined a -grading
on group algebras of symmetric groups
and more generally on
the cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type .
In this paper we explain how to grade Specht modules over these algebras.
Highest weight categories arising from Khovanov's diagram algebra III: category ,
Represent. Theory 15 (2011), 170-243,
pdf (with C. Stroppel).
We prove that integral
blocks of parabolic category
associated to the subalgebra
are Morita equivalent to
quasi-hereditary covers of generalised Khovanov algebras.
Although this result is in principle known, the existing proof
is quite indirect, going via perverse sheaves on
Our new approach is completely algebraic, exploiting Schur-Weyl duality for higher levels.
As a by-product we get a concrete combinatorial construction of -Kac-Moody representations in the sense of Rouquier
corresponding to level two weights in finite type .
Book review, "Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups",
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2011), 107--114,
Highest weight categories arising from Khovanov's diagram algebra II: Koszulity,
Transform. Groups 15 (2010), 1-45,
pdf (with C. Stroppel).
This is the second of a series of four articles
studying various generalisations
of Khovanov's diagram algebra.
In this article we develop the general theory of
Khovanov's diagrammatically defined "projective functors"
in our setting.
As an application, we give a direct proof of the fact that
the quasi-hereditary covers of generalised Khovanov algebras
are Koszul.
Book review, "Yangians and Classical Lie Algebras",
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 47 (2010), 561--566,
The degenerate analogue of Ariki's categorification theorem,
Math. Z. 266 (2010), 877-919,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We explain how to deduce the degenerate analogue of
Ariki's categorification theorem
over the ground field
as an application of
Schur-Weyl duality for higher levels
and the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture in finite type A.
We also discuss some supplementary topics, including
Young modules, tensoring with sign, tilting modules and Ringel duality.
Graded decomposition numbers for cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
Advances in Math. 222 (2009), 1883-1942,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
In recent joint work with Wang, we have constructed graded Specht modules
for cyclotomic Hecke algebras.
In this article, we prove a
graded version of the Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon conjecture,
describing the
decomposition numbers of graded Specht modules
over a field of characteristic zero.
Blocks of cyclotomic Hecke algebras and Khovanov-Lauda algebras,
Invent. Math. 178 (2009), 451-484,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We construct an explicit isomorphism between
blocks of cyclotomic Hecke algebras
and (sign-modified) cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda algebras in type A.
These isomorphisms connect
the categorification conjecture of Khovanov and Lauda
to Ariki's categorification
The Khovanov-Lauda algebras are naturally graded, which allows us to
exhibit a non-trivial
-grading on
blocks of cyclotomic Hecke algebras, including
symmetric groups in positive characteristic.
Elementary invariants for centralizers of nilpotent matrices,
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
86 (2009), 1-15,
pdf (with J. Brown).
We construct an explicit set of algebraically independent
generators for the center of the universal enveloping algebra of the
centralizer of a nilpotent matrix in the general linear Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero.
In particular, this gives a new proof of the freeness of the center,
a result
first proved by Panyushev, Premet and
Representations of shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras,
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 196 (2008), 107 pp.,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We study highest weight representations of
shifted Yangians over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0.
In particular, we classify the finite dimensional irreducible representations
and explain how to compute their Gelfand-Tsetlin characters in terms of
known characters of standard modules and
certain Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
Our approach exploits the relationship between shifted Yangians and
the finite W-algebras associated to nilpotent orbits
in general linear Lie algebras.
Schur-Weyl duality for higher levels,
Selecta Math. 14 (2008), 1-57,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We extend Schur-Weyl duality
to an arbitrary level ,
level one recovering the classical duality
between the symmetric and general linear groups.
In general,
the symmetric group is replaced by
the degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebra over parametrized by a
dominant weight of level for the root system of type .
As an application, we prove that the degenerate analogue of the
quasi-hereditary cover of the
cyclotomic Hecke algebra constructed by Dipper, James and Mathas is Morita equivalent to certain blocks of
parabolic category for the general linear Lie algebra.
Highest weight theory for finite W-algebras,
Int. Math. Res. Notices 11 (2008), 53pp.,
pdf (with S. Goodwin and A. Kleshchev).
We define analogues of Verma modules
for finite W-algebras. By the usual ideas of
highest weight theory, this is
a first step towards the classification
of finite dimensional irreducible modules.
We also introduce an analogue of the BGG category .
Motivated by known results in type A,
we then formulate some precise conjectures in
the case of nilpotent orbits of standard Levi type.
Symmetric functions, parabolic category and the Springer fiber,
Duke Math. J. 143 (2008), 41-79,
We prove that the center of a regular block of parabolic category
for the general linear Lie algebra
is isomorphic to the cohomology algebra of a corresponding
Springer fiber. This was conjectured by Khovanov.
We also find presentations for the centers of singular blocks,
which are cohomology algebras of Spaltenstein varieties.
Centers of degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebras and parabolic category ,
Represent. Theory 12 (2008), 236-259,
We prove that the center of each degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebra
associated to the complex reflection group of type
consists of symmetric polynomials in
its commuting generators.
The classification of the blocks of the degenerate cyclotomic
Hecke algebras is an easy consequence.
We then apply Schur-Weyl duality for higher levels to deduce
analogous results for parabolic category
for the Lie algebra .
Good grading polytopes,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 94 (2007), 155-180,
pdf (with S. Goodwin).
Let be a finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra over
and a nilpotent element. Elashvili and Kac have recently
classified all {good -gradings} for . We instead consider
good -gradings, which are naturally parameterized by an
open convex polytope in a Euclidean space arising from the reductive
part of the centralizer of in . As an application, we prove
that the isomorphism type of the finite W-algebra attached
to a good -grading for is independent of the particular
choice of good grading.
Dual canonical bases and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials,
Special issue celebrating the 60th birthday of Gordon James,
J. Algebra 306 (2006), 17-46,
We derive a formula for the entries of the (unitriangular) transition matrices between
the standard monomial and
dual canonical
bases of the irreducible
polynomial representations of
in terms of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
James' regularization theorem for projective representations of symmetric groups, Special issue celebrating the 60th birthday of Gordon James,
J. Algebra 306 (2006), 128-137,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
This paper is concerned with the modular representation theory of the
affine Hecke-Clifford superalgebra, the cyclotomic Hecke-Clifford superalgebras,
and projective representations of the symmetric group.
Our approach exploits crystal graphs of affine Kac-Moody algebras.
Shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras,
Advances Math. 200 (2006), 136-195,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We give a presentation for the finite W-algebra
associated to a nilpotent matrix in the general linear
Lie algebra over . In the special case that
the nilpotent matrix consists of Jordan blocks each
of the same size ,
the presentation is that of the Yangian of level
associated to ,
as was first observed by Ragoucy and Sorba. In the general case,
we are lead to introduce some generalizations of the Yangian
which we call the shifted Yangians.
Modular representations of the supergroup Q II,
Pacific J. Math. 224 (2006), 65-90,
We continue our study of the representations of the supergroup
over a field of odd positive characteristic. The focus here is on
the aspects of the theory that depend in some way on the
interpretation of induction in terms of sheaf
cohomology of certain equivariant vector bundles on the associated
flag superschemes.
Parabolic presentations of the Yangian ,
Commun. Math. Physics 254 (2005), 191-220,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We introduce some new presentations for the Yangian
associated to the Lie algebra .
These presentations are
parametrized by tuples of positive integers summing to .
At one extreme, for the tuple , the presentation is the usual
RTT presentation of . At the other extreme, for the tuple
, the presentation is closely related to Drinfeld's presentation.
In general, the presentations are useful for understanding the structure of the
standard parabolic subalgebras of .
Tilting modules for Lie superalgebras,
Commun. Algebra 32 (2004), 2251-2268,
We develop a general theory of tilting modules
for graded Lie superalgebras, extending work of Soergel for graded Lie algebras.
The main result of the article gives
a twisted version of BGG reciprocity relating
multiplicities in -flags of indecomposable tilting modules to
composition multiplicities of costandard modules.
We then discuss the examples
and in detail.
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and character formulae for the Lie superalgebra
, Advances Math. 182 (2004), 28-77,
We compute the characters
of the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the Lie superalgebra
and formulate a precise conjecture for the other
irreducible characters in category .
The guiding principle is that the representation theory
of should be described by Lusztig's canonical basis for "tensor space"
over the quantum group of type .
A new proof of the Mullineux conjecture,
J. Alg. Combinatorics 18 (2003), 13-39,
pdf (with J. Kujawa).
We present a new proof of the Mullineux conjecture, which describes the effect of tensoring an irreducible modular representation of the symmetric group with the sign representation.
Our approach exploits the "super" Schur-Weyl duality connecting representations of the symmetric group to that of the general linear supergroup .
We also give for the first time a classification of the irreducible polynomial representations of in positive characteristic.
Representation theory of symmetric groups and their double covers,
in: Groups, combinatorics and geometry (Durham, 2001), pp. 31-53,
World Scientific, 2003,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
In this survey article, we give an overview of the
new Lie theoretic approach to the
-modular representation theory of the symmetric groups and their double
covers that has emerged in the last few years.
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and character formulae for the Lie superalgebra
, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 185-231,
We compute the characters of the finite dimensional irreducible
representations of the Lie superalgebra ,
and determine 's between simple modules
in the category of finite dimensional representations. We formulate
conjectures for the analogous results in category .
The combinatorics parallels the combinatorics
of certain canonical bases over the Lie algebra
Modular representations of the supergroup Q I,
Special issue celebrating the 80th birthday of Robert Steinberg,
J. Algebra 260 (2003), 64-98,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We investigate modular representations of the supergroup in positive characteristic, motivated by connections to the modular representation theory of the spin symmetric groups.
In particular, we classify the irreducible representations and prove a version of the Steinberg tensor product theorem.
Cartan determinants and Shapovalov forms,
Math. Ann. 324 (2002), 431-449,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We compute the determinant of the Gram matrix of the Shapovalov form on weight
spaces of the basic representation of an affine
Kac-Moody algebra of ADE type (possibly twisted).
As a consequence, we obtain explicit formulae for the determinants
of the Cartan matrices of -blocks of the symmetric group
and its double cover, and of the associated Hecke algebras at roots of
Projective representations of symmetric
groups via Sergeev duality, Math. Z. 239 (2002), no. 1, 27-68,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We exploit the "super" Schur-Weyl duality between the spin symmetric groups and the supergroup to establish for the first time a classification of the irreducible modular representations of the spin symmetric groups.
Unipotent Brauer character values of GL
and the forgotten basis of the Hall algebra,
J. Algebraic Combin. 13 (2001), no. 2, 137-149,
We give a formula for the values of irreducible unipotent -modular
Brauer characters of at unipotent elements, where
is a prime not dividing , in terms of (unknown!)
weight multiplicities of
and certain generic polynomials . These polynomials
arise as entries of the transition matrix between the renormalized
Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions and the forgotten symmetric functions.
We also
provide an alternative combinatorial
algorithm working in the Hall algebra for computing .
Hecke-Clifford superalgebras, crystals of type and modular
branching rules for ,
Represent. Theory. 5 (2001),
pdf (with A. Kleshchev);
corrigenda pdf.
This paper is concerned with the modular representation theory of the
affine Hecke-Clifford superalgebra, the cyclotomic Hecke-Clifford superalgebras,
and projective representations of the symmetric group.
Our approach exploits crystal graphs of affine Kac-Moody algebras.
Note this version contains some additional tables in the appendix that
were not in the published version!
Quantum linear groups and representations of GL, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2001), no. 706,
pdf (with R. Dipper and A. Kleschev).
We give a self-contained account of the results originating in the work of James and the second author in the 1980s
relating the representation theory of over fields of characteristic coprime to
to the representation theory of "quantum " at roots of unity.
The new treatment allows us to extend the theory in several directions. First, we prove a precise functorial
connection between the operations of tensor product in quantum and Harish-Chandra induction in finite .
This allows us to obtain a version of the recent Morita theorem of Cline, Parshall and Scott valid in addition for
-singular classes.
From that we obtain simplified treatments of various basic known facts, such as the computation of
decomposition numbers and blocks of from knowledge of the same for the quantum group,
and the non-defining analogue of Steinberg's tensor product theorem. We also easily obtain a new double centralizer
property between and quantum generalizing a result of Takeuchi.
Finally, we apply the theory to study the affine general linear group, following ideas of Zelevinsky in characteristic zero.
We prove results that can be regarded as the modular analogues of Zelevinsky's and Thoma's branching rules.
Using these, we obtain a new dimension formula for the irreducible cross-characteristic representations of
, expressing their dimensions in terms of the characters of irreducible modules over the quantum group.
Representations of the symmetric
group which are irreducible over subgroups,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 530 (2001), 145-190,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic , and be the symmetric group on letters. In this paper we
classify all pairs , where is an irreducible -module of dimension greater than and is a proper subgroup of , such that the restriction is irreducible, provided .
Tensor products and restrictions
in type A, in:
Modular representation theory of finite groups (Charlottesville, VA, 1998), 67-99, de
Gruyter, Berlin, 2001,
(with A. Kleshchev).
The goal of this article is to give an exposition of some recent results on
tensor products and restrictions for rational representations of
the general linear group in positive characteristic.
We also outline the relations with
the LLT algorithm
and the
ideal structure of the group algebra of the finitary symmetric group.
Lower bounds for degrees of irreducible
Brauer characters of finite general linear groups,
J. Algebra 223 (2000), no. 2, 615-629,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
Let denote the finite general linear group
over the finite field with elements.
Associated to each partition of ,
there is an irreducible unipotent
complex character of .
The degree of is a polynomial in
given by
Green's hook formula; the polynomial is monic
of degree
where is the transpose of
and, for a partition of ,
denotes .
An easy consequence of Green's formula is that
The purpose of this note is to prove similar lower bounds for the
degrees of the irreducible -modular Brauer characters of
when is coprime to .
Double coset density in classical algebraic groups, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 352 (2000), no. 3, 1405-1436,
We classify all pairs of reductive maximal connected subgroups of a
classical algebraic group that have a dense double coset in .
Using this, we show that for an arbitrary pair of reductive
subgroups of a reductive group
satisfying a certain mild technical
condition, there is a dense
-double coset in precisely when is a factorization.
On translation functors for general linear
and symmetric groups,
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 80 (2000), no. 1, 75-106,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic .
A central problem in the representation theory of the general linear
group is to understand the structure of the tensor space
where is the natural -module.
To do this (inductively) we would like information about
the structure of tensor products of the form , where
is an irreducible (or Weyl or tilting) module.
Given , we will define functors and
, which roughly speaking are given by tensoring
with the natural -module and
its dual respectively, then projecting onto certain blocks determined
by the residue .
Our main results give some detailed structural information about the effect
of these functors on irreducible -modules.
We also deduce analogous results for modular representations of the symmetric group,
where and correspond to the -induction and -restriction functors.
Modular Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, Math. Z. 232 (1999), no. 2, 287-320,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev).
We prove four different results relating what could be called "modular Littlewood-Richardson coefficients"
for the general linear and symmetric groups.
Some remarks on branching rules and
tensor products for algebraic groups,
J. Algebra 217 (1999), no. 1, 335-351,
(with A. Kleshchev).
In this paper we derive some relations
between the branching rules from to its Levi subgroups on one hand,
and decompositions of tensor products over itself on the other. Some of our results are valid for arbitrary reductive groups.
Modular branching rules and the Mullineux map for Hecke
algebras of type A,
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 77 (1998), no. 3, 551-581,
We prove the quantum analogue of Kleshchev's modular branching rules, i.e. we replace the symmetric
and general linear groups in Kleshchev's results by the corresponding Iwahori-Hecke algebra and the quantised enveloping algebra
Double coset density in exceptional algebraic groups, J. London
Math. Soc. (2) 58 (1998), no. 1, 63-83,
Let be a simple algebraic group of exceptional type, defined over an
algebraically closed field of characteristic . In this paper,
we classify all pairs of reductive subgroups of which have a
dense -double coset in . In fact, we show that there is a dense
-double coset in precisely when is a factorisation.
Dense orbits and double cosets, in: Algebraic groups and their
representations (Cambridge, 1997), 259-274, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., 517,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1998,
Let be a connected reductive algebraic group
defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic . We are mainly interested here in the case of positive characteristic.
We will describe some results
on the
problem of finding subgroups and
with a dense -double coset in .
Semisimple restrictions
from GL to GL,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 500 (1998), 83-112,
pdf (with A. Kleshchev and I. Suprunenko).
We obtain a criterion for the restriction of an
irreducible rational -module to the naturally embedded subgroup
to be semisimple, over an arbitrary algebraically closed field.
In that case, we describe the composition
factors of the restriction explicitly.
As an application, we classify
the completely splittable representations of general linear groups
and give an exact character formula for these modules.
Lowering operators for GL and quantum GL, in:
Group representations: cohomology, group actions and topology (Seattle, WA, 1996), 95-114, Proc.
Sympos. Pure Math., 63, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1998,
We describe some developments in the representation
theory of which depend on certain
lowering operators recently discovered by Kleshchev.
We give a simple new definition of these lowering operators
and explain the relationship between these
and operators which have previously appeared in the work
of Carter-Lusztig and others.
Our approach simplifies two important applications:
the construction of orthogonal bases for
Weyl modules over
and Kleshchev's modular branching rules for symmetric groups.
We also describe previously unknown analogues of
these two results in the quantum case.
Multiplicity-free subgroups of reductive algebraic groups, J.
Algebra 188 (1997), no. 1, 310-330,
We introduce the notion of a multiplicity-free subgroup of a reductive algebraic group in arbitrary characteristic. This concept already exists in the work of Krämer for compact connected Lie groups. We give a classification of reductive multiplicity-free subgroups, and as a consequence obtain a simple proof of a theorem of Kleshchev.
Double coset density in reductive algebraic groups. J. Algebra 177
(1995), no. 3, 755-767.
Let be a closed reductive subgroup of a connected reductive algebraic group .
We prove by some case analysis that there is no dense -double coset in .
(Note: a case-free proof is given in Proposition 1.6 of my subsequent article "Double coset density in exceptional algebraic groups.")