Announcing the birth of our son Haydin Tyger "Ty" Scott.

Born June 5, 2011, 3:05am.

Weight: 8lbs. 8oz.

Length: 21.5"

Haydin was born at home after a relatively quick 5 hour labor by Anna at 3:05am. Anna had been feeling a little "funny" earlier in the evening- we'd had guests over for dinner and they had just left when Anna felt the first twinges of labor. The first contractions started around 10pm and we called the midwife at 11pm. She said to go to bed and try and get some sleep. if we could. So, we did- NOT. The contractions just kept getting stonger and closer together until we called the midwife back at 1am. She and her assistant arrived about 1:45am and after I got them settled in I woke Josey. For the next hour Josey and I helped Anna through her contractions and tried to keep her as comfortable as possible. As the birth approached Josey got a bit scared because of the intensity and it was a little like watching a scary movie for her- hiding her eyes, but then peeking through her fingers! When Haydin came out it was amazing and the midwife had him swaddled and on Anna chest in a blink- and we still didn't know if he was a boy or girl yet! After a couple minutes we pulled back the towel and I'll never forget the look on Anna's face when we told her she'd had a boy- priceless. When he was first born Haydin showed us his powerful lungs and Josey thought his roaring sounded like a tiger's. She started calling him tiger and it stuck- with a slight change in spelling. The next couple days were a blur as we adjusted to this new joy. Haydin got his latch on shortly after birth and he and Anna have settled down to a nice steady rthym of nursing, sleeping, and eating. Anna is regaining her strength and we've now had a couple outings with the stroller. Josey has also adjusted to her new brother and proving to be an excellent big sister helping with his clothes, holding him and even changing a few diapers! Family and friends have been great and a special thanks to them.

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