April 2, 2007 (Monday) Ben Pecjak, DESY
April 30, 2007 (Monday) Peter Skands, Fermilab
May 21, 2007 (Monday) Cancelled
May 22-26, 2007 (Monday-Friday) UltraMini Workshop on New Physics for New Colliders
In this talk I discuss the calculation of the DIS structure functions at large values of Bjorken x, where the invariant mass M_X of the hadronic final state is much smaller than the momentum transfer Q. In particular, I present an effective field-theory approach to deriving a factorization formula for the structure function F_2 in the region of phase space where Q >> M_X >> Lambda_QCD, and explain how large logarithms of the ratio M_X/Q can be resummed using renormalization-group methods in the effective theory.
4:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45
4:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45
4:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45