May 16, 2011 (Monday) Michihisa Takeuchi, University of Heidelberg
May 19, 2011 (Thursday) Michael Peskin, SLAC
May 23, 2011 (Monday) Kalanand Mishra, FERMILAB
The top quark, discovered at the Tevatron in 1995 and not long ago re-discovered at the LHC, is strongly coupled to the Higgs sector and therefore expected to be related to electroweak symmetry breaking. From the naturalness problem of the Higgs boson we can expect the existence of a relatively light top partner. Recently, several anomalies have been reported by the experiments at the Tevatron pointing to new physics directly linked with the top quark. Thus, top tagging using jet substructure is an active research area in nowadays. I will talk about the basics of jet substructure analysis, our top tagging approach and several applications for top physics, especially stop searches and the potential of the ttbar forward-backward asymmetry measurement at the LHC.
4:00pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45
, 472 Willamette Hall
4:00pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45