Fall 2002 | |||
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30 years Odyssey story of solar cells with vertical p-n junctions having low internal losses, high output voltage rating, low manufacturing costs, and robust reliability will be covered. Unusual geometry of structures with vertical p-n junctions can find application as nuclear particle detectors.
3:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 2:45
First I will give a brief introduction on neutrino oscillation, and summarize the results in favor of neutrino oscillation (atmospheric neutrinos, solar neutrinos and KamLAND (and possibly LSND)). I will also mention about phenomenology of future long baseline experiments and reactor experiments. I will try to present my talk so that non-experts understand the recent situation of the subject.
4:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45
Four-Fermion final states in electron positron collisions are observed with the OPAL detector at LEP in the data taken in the years 1997 to 2000. This process is a background to many searches, especially Higgs searches, and the measurement of its cross-section is essential. The total cross-sections for e+e- --> qqee and e+e- --> qqmm are measured within kinematic limits defined by the acceptance of the detector. Mass spectra are reconstructed and compared to Monte Carlo predictions.
4:00 pm, 472 Willamette Hall
Refreshments served at 3:45