Useful Software

  • Carbon Emacs + AUCTeX
    This combination of software generates and embeds PDF snippets in .tex files. When you navigate into one of these displayed images the original LaTeX markup appears and can be edited.

  • TextExpander
    This preference pane allows one to define text snippets which are automatically expanded upon typing. This is useful, since I have created basic Latex snippets (for instance "\alpha") which expand to the corresponding symbols (for instance α) in my email program. This is done by associating the text snippets to the list of mathematical (and Greek) symbols found in the Mac's built in Character Viewer. Messages can be sent (and read) as plain text messages by any modern email reader. Care must be taken during the inital setup to tell TextExpander not to expand Latex expressions into symbols in whatever LaTeX editor you are using.

  • LaTeXiT Produces equation snippets from LaTeX markup code that can be dragged and dropped into other programs (Mail, Keynote, iChat, etc.). These snippets are automatically cropped and can be produced in a variety of formats (PDF, JPG, etc.).

  • System-wide Computer Modern Fonts Use TeX's font in any application. Ever wanted to write an email in Computer Modern? Now you can! These are excellent for producing seemless Keynote presentations. They appear in FontBook (and all other applications) just as any other font would.

  • Papers Organize and store all of your PDFs in one place. Keep every research paper you've ever owned! Search, organize, rate, just like you would tracks in iTunes. You can read files right in the program. Papers can automatically organize the files, renaming them by author, title or other criteria. I have a small script that automatically downloads all of my research PDFs onto my Kindle when it is plugged in (Thank you Automator!), and thus I keep every paper I need close at hand!
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