A Content Analysis of Peasant Grievances in Upper Swabia (1525)
Grievances concerning serfdom (Leibeigenschaft):  90%
Grievances against death duties 37%
Grievances against confirmation taxes 27%
Grievances against marriage restrictions 24%
Demands for the abolition of servile obligations  11%
Grievances concerning commons (all categories):  81%
Demands for the protection and expansion of lumbering rights 61%
Grievances concerning the use of common fields and pastures 46%
Demands for restitution of common fishing and water use rights 52%
Demands for hunting rights 40%
Grievances against damage to crops from noble hunting 4%
Grievances concerning seigneurial lordship (Grundherrschaft) 83%
Demands for rent reduction 72%
Demands for reduction in transfer fees 61%
Grievances against excessive rents 39%
Grievances against recent rent increases 17%
Grievances against the deterioration of property rights 15%
Grievances against labor services 5%
Grievances concerning the judicial system in toto (Gerichtsherrschaft) 67%
Grievances against increases in judicial fines 10%
Grievances against legislative practices  22%
Grievances against maladministration of justice 41%
Grievances against refusal of justice 13%
Grievances against illegal citations before alien courts 24%
Grievances concerning religion:
Demands for communal election of pastors 13%
Demands for the proclamation of pure gospel  20%
Demands for abolition of the small tithe 44%
Demands for redistribution of the great tithe 41%
Grievances concerning taxation:
Grievances against taxes for the imperial defense 28%
Grievances against unspecified taxes 13%
Grievances against excise taxes 2%