A Summary of the Tocqueville Thesis:

 Image right: Theodore Chasseriau, Charles-Alexis-Henri Clerel De Tocqueville (1850). Source: Allposters.com.

In his 1856 masterpiece, The Old Regime and the French Revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville set out explain how the eighteenth-century society, culture, and politics had produced a revolution of such epic dimensions. In his opinion, no event had ever been “so inevitable yet so completely unforeseen” as the French Revolution. His argument ran something like this:

In general, he observed, the eighteenth century was one of jarring contrasts and contradictions: in particular, European society and culture was out of kilter, so to speak, with its political organization. What did he mean by that?

1) The eighteenth century was one in which society and culture was out of kilter, so to speak, with political organization. Specifically, Toqueville argued that

What France lacked were socially and politically integrating institutions: instead, all France had was the monarchy and its institutions of justice, taxation, and so on. Tocqueville’s analysis here is drenched with the Enlightenment ideal that social harmony should be based on the fulfillment of natural, human rights: 2) On the other hand, Tocqueville observed, the French were becoming more and more “like each other” in matters of taste, outlook on life and so forth. This situation was deeply paradoxical: the things that had once distinguished one “order” in society from the rest—literacy and education, wealth and landowning, even manners—these social and cultural distinctions were becoming less and less visible. All this was an explosive mixture:

3) Many pinned their hopes for reform on the monarchy: Tocqueville’s next point was that the monarchies of pre-Revolutionary Europe and their bureaucracies were better organized than any since the Roman Empire; although the traditional institutions of political life were as fragmented as ever before, the one integrating institution in French life—the monarchy—was as centralized as it had ever been.

4) Tocqueville’s final point was this: powerful though it was, the eighteenth-century monarchies were not strong enough: Strong enough to attempt reform, but too weak to succeed, the eighteenth-century reforms were bound to generate anger and frustration: More and more, frustration became focused on the system of noble privilege; not surprisingly, the first victim of the Revolution would be the system of social divisions between noble and non-noble; but once set in motion, the dynamic of revolution soon toppled monarchy itself.

If we look at the social context of reform and revolution, however, the implications of Tocqueville's argument are clear...and jarring:

Tocqueville concluded: