Source: Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe 113:265.

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, may this victorious title protect me from all evil in the name of God F+ S+ HG Amen 

As the victorious one lay in his death bed he called his beloved father to his side he spoke to Christ and it was revealed to his loyal servant fight now against the Turks to defend all who are of the Catholic faith but he 

was taken prisoner and thrown in jail on the next day they wanted to shoot him with many arrows but no arrow would approach him afterward they wanted to chop his head off but no sword would pierce 

or cut though they used all their strength then the Turkish emperor ordered that a great fire be made and burn him in it when the fire was mad they threw him in with bound hands 

[after] he lay there 3 hours unwounded, then they went to the Emperor and the betrayer said [he] is hard as steel and iron and stone, for he lay in the fire 3 hours and it did him no harm 

Then the emperor himself went out of the city in order to ask him how he was, and [he] answered as [if?] I lay in cool water at this answer the Emperor took fright and thought the man is surely a prophet or God himself

and [he] said if [he] would take my religion so I [would] wish to grant him life Amen whoever wants to carry this blessing should pray 15 Our F. and 15 Hail M. each day 

to the 5 holy wounds and to the faith 3 times and 5 Our F. and 5 Hail M. one faith to the wounds on the left shoulder pray to the H Mother of God 7 Our F. and 7 Hail M. 

in her 7 holy wounds I {name} commend myself to the shield and protection the most holy trinity I {name} commend myself to H divinity protect my body and soul and all that is of my body. 

I {name} commend my body and soul goods honor and my flesh and blood and my thoughts word and deeds my whole life soul until my very end to almighty God and the holy red blood of the Lord + 

[who] has saved with this I hope that I will receive the shield and protection of almighty God who has saved me poor sinner through your divine creation and through your death for that reason 

I pray to you that you will have mercy on my poor soul and protect me from all evil and preserve [me] O lord Jesus Christ this I commend my beginning and end. 

[protect] my means and everything that belongs to me against magic and witchcraft also against false tongues and against all weapons beatings and [gun] shots

that [in the coming] year Maria and her beloved child together with all the angels protect me {name} by day and night on water and on land and wherever I am the names Jesus and Mary are forever 

my shield and protection against all troubles and temptation against arms and weapons made before and after the birth of Christ in the name of God the F and the S and the HG 

upon my words, arms and weapons shall do me {name} no harm and become soft as the H milk that Jesus sucked, so shall it transpire for all my 

16.enemies who desire to injure me with word and deed I commend myself to the H blessing that Jesus gave the first human that he had created. 

[may] the blessing befall me {name} which Jesus bestowed upon John in that year [may] the blessing befall me {name} that Jesus bestowed upon his dear mother when he was severed from her

[may] the blessing befall me befall me [sic!] his H blood be only one cleanse and rescue me from all dangers Jesus Christ + preserve me from all evils 

[and things] that may be damaging to body and soul O lord Jesus Christ I pray you by all the poverty you suffered your passion and innocent death and descent 

by [your] burial the H glorious resurrection by the victorious ascension by all this I pray that you will preserve my soul in your countenance. 

I commend myself to the hour in which Christ was received in the mother’s womb by H spirit it remained as before it received Christ so may they remain powerless and stand still 

just as Christ rose from the dead so come to my aid the H trinity and all most holy angels of God with all the heavenly hosts be they 

above me behind me all around me at all times so that I may be protected from all visible and invisible enemies in the name God F S HG

by this may I be blessed by the cup and wine and bread that our dear L Jesus gave to his 12 disciples so that I {name} may be so little harmed as the 

the honor of the H Virgin Mary is besmirched as truly as Christ has arisen from the dead shall all W. V. W. ver. 6 89. N G + F S + HG +[scribbles] 
