John J. Donovan
Director (retired), MicroAnalytical Facility
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Electron Microprobe and Scanning Electron Microscopy
GEOL 619 Electron Microprobe Analysis
199 Weird Science
Golden Software Web
Golden Software User Forum
Probe Software Web
Probe Software User Forum
Courtesy Staff, Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, 07/2021
Director, MicroAnalytical Facility, CAMCOR, University of
Oregon, 12/2001-06/2021
Laboratory Manager, University of California at Berkeley, 05/1987 -
Principal Laboratory Mechanician, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
01/1976 - 04/1987
John J Donovan et al., An Improved Average Atomic Number Calculation for Estimating Backscatter and Continuum Production in Compounds, Microscopy and Microanalysis, (2023)
John J Donovan and others, A New Method for Dead Time Calibration and a New Expression for Correction of WDS Intensities for Microanalysis, Microscopy and Microanalysis, (2023)
Donovan, John, et al. "Quantitative WDS Compositional Mapping Using the Electron Microprobe." The American Mineralogist (2021).
Donovan, Pinard and Demers, "High Speed Matrix Corrections for Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis Based on Monte Carlo Simulated K-Ratio Intensities", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 25, 735-742, (2019)
Secondary Fluorescence effects in microbeam analysis, Chemical Geology, 490, 22-29, (2018)
Donovan, Singer and Armstrong, "A New EPMA Method for Fast Trace Element Analysis in Simple Matrices", American Mineralogist, v101, p1839-1853, (2016)
Llovet, at. al., "Secondary
fluorescence in electron probe microanalysis of couple
materials", J. Appl. Phys., (2012)
Donovan, et. al., "High Speed
Matrix and Secondary Fluorescence Effects From Fundamental
Parameter Monte Carlo Calculations" (M&M, 2012)
Donovan, et. al., "Improved
electron probe microanalysis of trace elements in
quartz", American Mineralogist, 96, 274282, 2011
et. al., "Numerical Correction for Secondary
Fluorescence Across Phase Boundaries in EPMA", 11th European Workshop on Modern
Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis IOP
Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and
Engineering 7 (2010) 012008
M. Phung, et. al., "Determination of the Composition of
Ultra-thin Ni-Si films on Si: constrained modeling of
electron probe microanalysis and x-ray reflectivity
data", X-Ray Spectrometery, 2008, v. 37, 608-614
J. Donovan, N. E. Pingitore and A. N. Westphal,
"Composition Averaging of Backscatter Intensities in
Compounds", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2003, v. 9,
(Reed Comments and Response to Reed)
J. Donovan, N. E. Pingitore and A. N. Westphal,
"Composition Averaging of Backscatter Intensities in
Compounds", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2003, v. 9,
J. Donovan and N. E. Pingitore, "Composition Averaging
of Continuum Intensities in Multi-Element Compounds",
Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2002, v. 8, 429-436
J. Donovan and T. N. Tingle, "An Improved Mean Atomic
Number Correction for Quantitative Microanalysis" in
Journal of Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 2, 1, p. 1-7,
J. Donovan, D. A. Snyder and M. L. Rivers, "An Improved
Interference Correction for Trace Element Analysis"
Microbeam Analysis, 2: 23-28, 1993
Public Presentations:
Springfield Unitarian Church, 05-31-2009
Evolution Just A Theory? (save to disk, then open with
Open Office)
Springfield Unitarian Church, 01-24-2010
Science: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (open with
Microsoft PowerPoint)
Science Pub, Cosmic Pizza, 02-11-2010
Science: Knowledge and Intuition at the Fringe (open with
Microsoft PowerPoint)
IntroDUCKtions, 07-16-2010
Critically About Weird Things (open with Microsoft
IntroDUCKtions, 07-15-2011
Critically About Weird Things (open with Microsoft
Blueschist Minerals (466 hand specimens and ~200 thin sections) (contact John Donovan at or Edward Davis at for more information):

Above: lawsonite "hand specimen" collected from outside Blake Gardens, Kensington, CA
Reading Recommendations:
- The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Steven Pinker (2012)
- The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Amoung the Primates, Frans de Waal (2013)
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari (2015)
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari (2017)
- Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress, Steven Pinker (2018)
- The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, Lukianoff and Haidt (2018)
- Trancendence, Gaia Vince (2020)
- Blind Spots, Marty Makary (2024)
- Patriot, Alexi Navalny (2024)
John J. Donovan
CAMCOR, Lokey Laboratory
1443 E. 13th Ave
University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1241
(541) 346-4655 (lab)
E-mail: John Donovan
CAMCOR Home Page
CAMCOR Microanalytical
Facility Home Page
Last Updated 02/23/2024