Dear fellow parents and others concerned about education,

As we face historically low levels of resources for education, I'd like to share an opportunity to reach higher. As a parent and a math professor, it has been difficult to see my daughter forfeit some of her education on furlough days. Inspired by some "furlough clubs" which have been running, next year I plan to identify some math worksheets and activities for my daughter to do for a couple hours total on furlough days (and some time on other days off and early-release times as well) which will supplement the school curriculum in ways which are in line with the new Common Core standards.

Forty-three states, including Oregon, have recently adopted these standards . They represent the best understanding of college and career readiness as endorsed by teachers, educational experts, administrators and mathematicians, all working together. All curricula in Oregon and most around the country will be modified over the next few years to meet these standards. As a mathematician with strong interest in and some experience with K-12 education, I have had the opportunity to discuss the Common Core Math Standards at length with their lead writer, and I might join his team in an effort to elaborate them through problems ).

From discussions with other parents, it seems that there is some strong interest in not only reclaiming educational time but also taking the opportunity to make use of recently developed consensus efforts in mathematics education. But once there is a variety of children participating, considerable effort will be needed to put these materials together at multiple grade levels. I would like to find a group of people comfortable with mathematics (teachers, former math tutors, people who regularly use math, faculty, retired faculty, or just those who enjoy math at any level) who can look with me at the current curricula along with the Common Core to determine what additional activities would fit. Educators from our local school districts have expressed a willingness to help. These activities would at first be drawn from current local curricula, the Singapore curriculum, and other sources, but would draw increasingly from activities developed for the Common Core as those become available. A core group could then communicate - through e-mail and small meetings - with parents and other care providers who want to incorporate these activities. The activities would need to be suitable for a variety of adults to lead, and thus would probably lean more towards worksheet/ skill building rather than explorational activities.

I have reserved the Gumwood room on the top floor of the U of O's EMU (student union, at 13th and University) on Tuesday June 7th at 6pm for a meeting to discuss both the mathematics and the logistics of coordinating resources to meet interest (see proposed agenda below). Please send an e-mail to to let me know if you are interested in having your child (or a group of children you care for) do such math enrichment and/ or if you can help in any capacity (mathematical or logistical support). And please feel free to forward this invitation to friends, parent councils, etc. Because I value equity of opportunity as well as the study of math, I would love to share these efforts more broadly and can envision gathering resources (and hiring help) for a more substantial and refined effort if the demand is overwhelming.

Best wishes, Dev

Dev Sinha, Associate Professor of Math at the U of O, and Edison Elementary parent

Proposed agenda:
Dear Eugene Math Club community, We would like to update you, following the meeting last week and other recent events.
Dear Eugene Math Club community, We would like to schedule our first math-focussed meeting the week of June 27th. If you are interested in contributing to the discussion, please indicate your availability at: We will announce the best time as well as the meeting place (likely to be in the EMU on campus) in a follow-up e-mail. Anyone who wants to attend is welcome. The goal will be to start the work of producing math enrichment guidance. We will mostly be "aggregators," pointing people to material which is out there which would fit well rather than developing material ourselves. We will point to four kinds of material: The way we will decide what material to point to is to start with the CCSSM and the 2007 Oregon standards and look for places where material will be expected once we have switched to CCSSM but is currently not in the curriculum. For example, in first grade CCSSM expect students to add and subtract within 20 while the 2007 Oregon standards expect addition up to ten. For another example, in third grade the CCSSM asks students to be able to complete two-step word problems involving the basic four operations, while there are no similar expectations in the 2007 Oregon standards. (There are 2007 Oregon standards also not present in the CCSSM; we are focusing on the differences in the other direction since that is where the opportunity for enrichment is.) Your homework, to prepare for this meeting if you plan to attend, is to familiarize yourself with: A second part of your homework is to bring other sites and sources to consider if there are any not listed above which you particularly like. I will also bring some materials from the local curricula and the Singapore curriculum to look at. Best wishes, Dev
Hi all, We will have the first "math group" meeting next Tuesday at 5pm, in the Mozart at the Eugene 4J School District Ed Center, which is at 200 North Monroe Street (very near the rose garden; see for directions). We should have a nice group of parents, college instructors, teachers, future teachers, and school district representatives. The goal will be to some to enough agreement about what our group will produce and how we will produce it so that we can start doing so. Agenda: Once the math group starts producing, we can ask the outreach/logistics group to help figure out how to deliver what we find, and in particular start building a website. The goal is to have things available for people to look at sooner rather than later, so they can provide feedback. In the meantime, we continue to ask you to pass information along to friends who might be interested (we are getting about 3-5 inquiries each week). You can point them to for a current rudimentary website which just has the e-mails sent out so far. I'm very excited to see some of you next Tuesday! Best wishes, Dev