This issue is as wide and deep as the mighty Willamette, the banks of which presently are swollen by rain. If the COE had a fall theme, it was newness. New faculty, a new president, new branding, new scholarships, and of course, new students. On behalf of the faculty and staff, we hope you had an enjoyable fall and are looking forward to a relaxing Holiday season filled with family and friends and a healthy New Year. Your commitments toward the future inspire us to keep innovating and pushing forward for kids and families. It's going to be quite an exciting year! |
Education Matters is distributed each term. Use the e-mail link below to contact the editor; physical letters are always welcome as well. |
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College of Education
1215 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1215
College of Education
1215 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1215 |