Current Issues

To faciliate informed discussion on issues facing the university community, this website is designed to provide a brief synopsis of issues that have earned top agenda status. The website is a shared responsibility of the Senate and Faculty Advisory Committee, and documents posted do not necessary represent those of the Senate or FAC. If you would like to have information posted on this page or feel that there is information which should be posted on this page, please contact FAC chair David Frank dfrank@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU or UO Senate President Peter Gilkey
  1. Autzen Building Project
    2. Letter from Professor Sundt concerning the Autzen enlargement and the University's mission. Received 23 November 1999
    3. Letter from Provost Moseley dealing with the Autzen Stadium Expansion received 24 November 1999
    4. Letter from Duncan McDonald Vice President Public Affairs and Development giving a "fact sheet" of sorts on university fundraising. Received 30 November 1999
    5. Text of editorial by Gordon Sayre in the Eugene Register Guard 30 November 1999
    6. Text of remarks by Professor Sundt made to the UO Senate 1 December 1999
    7. Information provided by the Department of Inter Collegiate Athletics concerning the Autzen Stadium Expansion. See also Minutes of the 8 December 1999 meeting of the IAC (page onepage two) dealing with the Autzen Stadium Expansion.
  2. Salary and Budgetary Matters
    2. Letter President Frohnmayer regarding health benefits for University of Oregon faculty. Received 29 November 1999
    3. Cover letter and executive summary for the University Senate Budget Committee White paper: a plan to improve faculty compensation
    4. Senate Resolution concerning Salary to be discussed 12 January 1999
    5. Letter (page 1 , page two) from University President Frohnmayer to Chancellor Cox regarding faculty compensation.
    6. University of Oregon Instructional Faculty Survey and banner tables - see also archival copy
  3. Faculty Governance
    1. Letter from Professor S. Clark regarding faculty governance, salaries, and the Autzen Stadium expansion dated 1 Dec 1999
  4. Serials Cancellation Project
    1. Letter from George Shipman dated 1 December 1999.
    2. Minutes of the 1995/6 University Library Committee which dealt with the Serials Cancellation Project.
    3. Letter from University Librarian 8 December 1995 concerning the 1995 project
    4. Minutes of the 31 October 1999 meeting of the ULC discussing the project
    5. Serials Cancellations and Library Budget Information From 1996

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