Charge to the Faculty Advisory Council

The following information comes from US001-6 passed by the Senate in Spring 2001

The Faculty Advisory Council shall be responsible for providing the President and other Administration officials with faculty opinion and counsel on the wide range of university affairs. In its relations with the President, the Administration, and with the faculty, the Faculty Advisory Council shall act either on request or on its own initiative.

Membership of the Faculty Advisory Council is fixed and consists of 10 elected faculty representing College of Arts and Sciences (4), Professional Schools and Colleges (4) and Officers of Administration (2). No two persons from the same CAS department, nor from the same professional school or college, nor from the same administrative unit shall serve at the same time. No person shall serve simultaneously on the Faculty Advisory Council and the Faculty Personnel Committee. The University Senate president or designee and the University Senate Vicepresident or designee (US05/06-8) shall be an ex officio member of the Faculty Advisory Council with full privileges. The University President, Provost and Vice Provost shall be ex officio, non-voting members. The following administrators are ineligible to serve on this committee: the president; the provost; vice presidents; vice provosts; associate or assistant vice provosts; associate or assistant vice presidents; deans; and associate deans or their equivalent.

The Faculty Advisory Council shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.

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