

Geraldine Moreno Black

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Geraldine Moreno, Ph.D.; C.N.S.- Home Page

Geraldine Moreno (PhD; CNS)  is a Professor Emerita at the University of Oregon and Senior Research Associate at Oregon Research Institute (ORI).  Her research is located at the intersection of nutritional anthropology, human biology and medical anthropology. She is a member of a research team working on a NIH funded community based participatory project focused on childhood obesity prevention. She is also actively engaged in research on elementary school food issues and child obesity. Dr. Moreno has been a consultant on a Fogarty International Training Program in AIDS & TB in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, at the University of Miami Leonard H, Miller School of Medicine. Her previous research in northeastern Thailand focused on the relationships among gender, cultural and economic transformation, and food habits, and she also has collaborated on research focusing on food insecurity and hunger in Thailand, Ecuador and the U.S. Dr. Moreno has publications in such journals as: Journal of School Health, Pediatric Obesity, Ecology of Food and Nutrition; Qualitative Health Research; The Journal of Ethnobiology, Agriculture and Human Values.