Final Tips

Dec. 1, 2006


I. Page Layout Ideas

EXPERIMENT!  Try bold fonts, shapes and colors -  convey the spirit of the building and create a graphic statement.  Play with symmetry and asymmetry, paying attention to  overall unity.


1) FONTS:  Rather than leaving titles floating, cluster words into a shaped logo, align them to images or supersize them into a background.  Try reversing out the colors


2) LINE ART:  Try making line art transparent (i.e. lose some of the white background boxes) to give hierarchy between the line art and the tonal photos or renderings.   Export PDFs from Sketchup OR create Illustrator vector drawings, then try colored lines on dark background images, etc.  OR   Scan hand drawings, use Photoshop Image > Adjust > Levels to get high contrast, then Help > Export Transparent Image. 


Improving scanned drawings images:

Exporting transparent images:


3) ALIGNMENT:  Use at least one datum line using the Align palette to give order.  Create Guides in Photoshop or Illustrator.  View > turn on Rulers, Snap to: Guides (or Illustrator Smart Guides on) and then pull out the blue guidelines from the rulers.  Make sure View >

Guides > Lock Guides is off, you can adjust guides after placement.


II. Web Authoring


What to include?  Make sure you show good examples of your skills using each type of program: 

            Modeling & rendering: Sketchup or other 3D program

            Image manipulation:  Photoshop

            Drawing: Illustrator

            Page Layout:  Illustrator or Indesign (link a jpg to the full PDF file)

            Web Authoring: GoLive or other program

Split your work into 9 topics or make sure you have something superduper to compensate.  If you don’t have enough work, use Photoshop or Illustrator to create a single image summary of a studio or support course project.  The  Ext. Application grade on Blackboard rewards your creativity in applying digital skills to work outside the course assignments.



Place your class webpage into a folder under public_html called "arch610" so it shows up under “”.  It won’t work as arch_610, arch 610, Arch610 (server is case sensitive).  You can create an overall cover page that links to your arch610 website - create a new "index.html" and drop it into your public_html directory:  it will show up at "”.



In GoLive, connect to your site and look in right pane of the site window.   Expand the "Locked" column (drag the vertical bar to the right of the word "Locked") so you can see everything in the column.   It should contain entries like "rwx r-x r-x" for folders and "rw- r-- r--" for other files. If it contains entries like "rwx rwx ---" or "rw- r-- ---" ... (the last 3 characters are "---") you have a problem with rights.


To fix it,

(1) open the Inspector window,

(2) click on a folder or a file in the site window

(3) in the Inspector, click on the "FTP Access" tab.  Set the rights for "Other" to Read and Execute and click "Set Rights".  If you are doing a folder, check "Recursive" so it does all of the files within that folder.



Change the background color of a web page with this procedure.


III. Arch 610 Final Review

When:              Tues 12/5 at 1pm - 4pm

Where:             meet in 278 Lawrence Hall


What is due?

   1. Website printouts - one favorite sheet in color,  11 x 17 vertical

9 projects of your choice that highlight your computer graphics skills


   2.  Assignment 8 brochure printout

            you don't have to make it double sided, but if you want to try:


   3.  CD containing assignments 1-8, with your full website and brochure

            label assignments  rsmith1.1.jpg, rsmith1.2.jpg for assignment 1, etc.


What will happen?

            1:00-1:15 Pinup

            1:15-2:00 Review in groups, fill out voting & critique forms

            2:15-3:00 Review in groups, fill out voting & critique forms

               vote for best helper, most improved and best achievement

            3:00-3:10 Summary remarks, voting

            3:10-3:30 Fill out course evaluation


Where & when can I get help?

            Tutors will be available 12:00-2:00 on from Wed 11/28 to Mon 12/4 in the Option III studio – at the big table in Duff’s studio. Signup on the 204 Pacific door to be sure of a slot. 

            E-mail questions to