
The following two images tell the tale; both are un-retouched computer output.

Rendering of space on the day of our main site visit, 15 May, 3:30pm. Although this looks dark, it is adequate light; the image is darkened to show the broad range of contrasts.
Rendering of space on 21 December (winter solstice) 5pm. The sun has set. The yellow tone would not be visible if one were in the space; it is the absolute tone of the lamps, referenced against 5000º K daylight.

The following diagrams show the illuminance on a plane slightly about table height (3.5' above the ground to show both the top of the librarians desk and the tables.)
Illuminance in daylight in May. It is in the 300-500 lux range, an appropriate level for reading by British and American IES standards ([MEEB] section 18.24, pp. 937, 938, passim.)
Illuminance after sunset on solstice. All illuminance is below 187.5 lux, which is not considered adequate for reading by British and American IES.

Forward to conclusion.