Executive committee: Jim Brau (U. Oregon, jimbrau@faraday.uoregon.edu), co-chair Mark Oreglia (U. Chicago, oreglia@hep.uchicago.edu), co-chair Jim Alexander (Cornell, jima@lns.cornell.edu) Marcel Demarteau (Fermilab, demarteau@fnal.gov) JoAnne Hewett (SLAC, hewett@slac.stanfor.edu) Dean Karlen (University of Victoria, karlen@uvic.ca) Young-Kee Kim (Fermilab/University of Chicago, ykkim@fnal.gov) David MacFarlane (SLAC, dbmacf@slac.stanford.edu) Hitoshi Murayama (University of California, Berkeley, murayama@hitoshi.berkeley.edu) Bruce Schumm (University of California, Santa Cruz, schumm@scipp.ucsc.edu) Rick Van Kooten (Indiana University, rickv@paoli.physics.indiana.edu) Harry Weerts (Argonne, weerts@hep.anl.gov)
Working groups: Detector and Physics Simulations: Norman Graf (ngraf@slac.stanford.edu) Mike Peskin (mpeskin@slac.stanford.edu) Vertex Detector: Marco Battaglia (mbattaglia@lbl.gov) Ron Lipton (lipton@fnal.gov) Tracking: Bruce Schumm (schumm@scipp.ucsc.edu) Dan Peterson (daniel.peterson@cornell.edu) Keith Riles (kriles@umich.edu) Particle I.D.: Bob Wilson (wilson@lamar.colostate.edu) Calorimetry: Dhiman Chakraborty (dhiman@fnal.gov) Jose Repond (repond@hep.anl.gov) David Strom (strom@physics.uoregon.edu) Muon Detector: Gene Fisk (hefisk@fnal.gov) Paul Karchin (karchin@physics.wayne.edu) Data Acquisition and Trigger: Usha Mallik (Usha-Mallik@uiowa.edu) Interaction Regions, Backgrounds: Tom Markiewicz (twmark@slac.stanford.edu) Stan Hertzbach (hertzbac@slac.stanford.edu) IP Beam Instrumentation: Mike Woods (mwoods@slac.stanford.edu) Eric Torrence (torrence@physics.uoregon.edu) Test Beams Gene Fisk (hefisk@fnal.gov) Jae Yu (yu@fnal.gov) PHYSICS CONVENERS FOR VANCOUVER WORKSHOP Physics at the Terascale (Higgs, SUSY, and New physics) Tim Barklow, timb@slac.stanford.edu Hooman Davoudiasl, hooman@physics.wisc.edu Heather Logan, logan@physics.carleton.ca Keith Riles, kriles@umich.edu Precision Measurements (top/QCD and loopverein) Aurelio Juste, juste@fnal.gov Frank Petriello, frankjp@physics.wisc.edu Doreen Wackeroth, dow@ubpheno.physics.buffalo.edu ILC and Cosmology Ted Baltz, eabaltz@slac.stanford.edu Dan Hooper, dhooper@fnal.gov Rene Ong, rene@astro.ucla.edu ILC/LHC Interface Jim Alexander, jima@mail.lns.cornell.edu Dave Rainwater, rain@pas.rochester.edu Tim Tait, tait@anl.gov William Trischuk, william@physics.utoronto.ca Linear Collider Connections to Astrophysics and Cosmology EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jonathan Feng (co-chair) (jlf@uci.edu) Mark Trodden (co-chair) (trodden@physics.syr.edu) Marco Battaglia (MBattaglia@lbl.gov) Norman Graf (ngraf@slac.stanford.edu) Michael Peskin (mpeskin@slac.stanford.edu)
liaison to accelerator R&D Tom Himel (SLAC, thimel@SLAC.Stanford.EDU) Shekhar Mishra (Fermilab, mishra@fnal.gov) Dave Rubin (Cornell, dlr@cesr10.lns.cornell.edu)