Humorous Disclaimers
Based on Our Modern Knowledge
of Physics and the Universe

Matter warps space
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

All matter is attracted by all other matter, and vice-versa
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

E=m c2
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

Matter is made of atoms, containing electrons which are in constant motion
Bohr's atomic model

At the atomic level, a particle's position and speed cannot be simulatenously determined
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

The interaction of objects is a probabilistic process,
Illustrated at the subatomic level by the "tunneling" of an alpha particle from the nucleus
Quantum Theory

All nuclei are expected to decay eventually
Grand Unified Theories

When matter and anti-matter come into contact, they annihilate in energy
Dirac Theory of anti-matter

The disorder of the Universe always increases
(the Universe never becomes more ordered)
Second Law of Thermodynamics

The nucleus of the atom is held together by the exchange of gluons
Quantum Chromodynamics

The atom is mostly empty space
Bohr model of the atom

The Universe has more than four dimensions
(Only four are large enough to be perceived)
Supergravity Theory

The quantum state of a subatomic particle cannot be specified unless it is observed (measured)
Quantum Physics

All subatomic particles of a particular type (eg. electrons) are indistiguishable
Quantum Physics

The mass of matter increases when matter is in motion
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

If the Universe contains enough matter to close it, it will eventually re-collapse
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity