[ colin koopman via https ]
My next book, Data Equals: Democratic Equality and Technological Hierarchy,
will be out with University of Chicago Press in 2025.
Read my interview in The New York Times Magazine with David Marchese about data politics
and other topics related to my upcoming book as well as my last, How We Became Our Data.

[Upcoming/Recent Talks (Selected)]
[invited talk at depaul university on data equality, 05.25]
[talk series at uc irvine, critical theory emphasis, mini-seminars, on data equality, 10.24]
[invited talk at university of memphis on data equality, 10.24]
[talk on the main program of the apa pacific on foucauldian genealogy and analytic philosophy, 03.24]
[invited talk at sapienza universita di roma on data equality and pragmatist philosophy of technology, 01.24]
[talk at history of science society on genealogies of intelligence testing and infopolitics, 10.23]
[invited talk at karlstad university in sweden (via zoom) on genealogies of intelligence testing and infopolitics, 05.23]
[invited talk at soverignty in the age of data, at ubc okanogan on data authoritarianism and data egalitarianism, 05.23]
[invited talk at bits pilani university in india (via zoom) on genealogies of intelligence testing and infopolitics, 04.23]
[talk on the main program of the apa pacific on pragmatist relational equality, 04.23]
[invited talk at omnes et singulatim, at warwick university (via zoom) on galton, du bois, & data inequality, 05.22]
[keynote at radical philosophy association annual meeting on galton, du bois, & data inequality, 11.21]
[invited talk at new school for social research on algorithms & formats, 11.20]
[invited workshop at data theory lab at nyu on algorithms & formats, 10.20]
[book launch at wayne morse center at uo on how we became our data, 02.20]
[book panel at institute for public knowledge at nyu on how we became our data, 11.19]