Natalia Cáceres Arandia

Postdoctoral Research Associate


2015-present: Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon.

Project (with Spike Gildea and Marie Claude Mattei Muller): Documenting Linguistic Structure and Language Change in Yawarana.

2012: Fyssen Postdoctoral fellow. Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon.

Project: Attention effects and grammatical hierarchies: observations in Ye'kwana, an Amazonian language of Venezuela.

2012: PhD in Language Sciences, DDL - Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Dissertation title: Functional-typological grammar of Ye'kwana, Cariban language of Venezuela (PDF).
Advisors: Colette Grinevald (Lyon 2), José Álvarez (LUZ).
Committee: José Álvarez, Spike Gildea, Colette Grinevald, Antoine Guillaume, Francesc Queixalós.

2007: MA in Language Sciences, DDL - Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Thesis title: Introduction à la langue des Ye'kwana: Profil sociolinguistique et esquisse phonologique.
Advisor: Colette Grinevald (Lyon 2).

Additional training in linguistics

  • 2016: European Summer School in Linguistics Typology, Porquerolles. Sept. 4-17.
    Courses: Prosodic typology (Himmelmann), Language acquisition in a typological perspective (Stoll), A typology of language contact (Matras), Fieldwork methods (Hellwig), Oto-Manguean languages : a typological treasure of melodic complexities (Palancar), Typology of Siberian languages (Pakendorf), Typology of tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality (Hengeveld). Summer school website.
  • 2009: Summer Institute of the LSA (Linguistic Society of America) at the University of California, Berkeley. July 4-24.
    Courses: Understanding typological distributions (Bickel), Usage frequency effects in syntax (Haspelmath), Construction grammar and typology (Croft), Morphosyntactic features and inflectional morphology (Corbett).
  • February-May 2015: Co-organizer of the Working conference on the Lexicon and Morphosyntax of Venezuelan Cariban (11-15 May, 2015 in Lyon, France). Conference website.
  • 2013-2015 & 2006-2011: Active member of the research group on Endangered Languages of the Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (started as a fieldwork group, became the National Research Agency project Afrique, Amérique Latine, Langues en Danger [AALLED] in 2007, then one of three research axis of the home institution, axe Langues en Danger - Terrain, Documentation, Revitalisation [LED-TDR]).
  • December 2013-April 2014: Research technician in charge of the on-line content for the research team LED-TDR and the LabEx project ASLAN, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (UMR 5596), Lyon.
  • 2005-2011: Active member of the project Trajectoire (CNRS / Fédération de Recherche en Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques). Project website.
  • 2008-2011: Participated in the regular workshop Morphosyntaxe of the DDL laboratory.
  • May-July 2008: Member of the organizing team of the first 3L Summer School in Documentation & Language Description, June 23 - July 4, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon France.
  • Yawarana (yar) language in Venezuela (San Juan de Manapiare and Majagua village): September-October 2015, March-June 2016, January(-April) 2017.
  • Ye'kwana (mch) language in Venezuela (Maripa, Ciudad Bolívar and Boca de Piña and Santa María de Erebato villages): July-August 2006, November 2007-April 2008, October 2008-April 2009, July-August 2010, March 2012, August 2012, May 2013, February-March 2014.
  • 2015 (with S. Gildea & M.C. Mattei Muller): NSF/DEL grant. Documenting Linguistic Structure and Language Change in Yawarana.
  • 2015 (with S. Gildea): Support for organization of a conference, LabEx project ASLAN.
  • 2014: Research support, LabEx project ASLAN.
  • 2014: Support for finalization, dissemination and use of corpora, IRCOM consortium.
  • 2012: Postdoctoral grant, Fyssen Foundation. Attention effects and grammatical hierarchies: observations in Ye'kwana, an Amazonian language of Venezuela. 12 months.
  • 2010: Field trip grant, Institut des Amériques (IdA).
  • 2009-2010: PhD grant, Agence Universitaire de Francophonie (AUF).
  • 2008-2009: Field Trip Grant, Endangered Languages Documentation Project (ELDP). Documentation of the Ye'kwana language in the Caura Basin. 6 months.
  • 2008-2009: Mobility grants, Rhône-Alpes region (Explo'RA DOC) and Ministry of Education (Aires Culturelles) for a 6 month research visit at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Oregon.
  • 2007-2008: Field trip grant, AALLED (Afrique, Amérique Latine, Langues en Danger).
  • 2004: Regional grant for international training (BRFE) for a study abroad semester at the Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria.
  • Aug.-Sept. 2008 & Aug.-Oct. 2009: Invited scholar at the Linguistics Department of the University of Oregon.
  • Nov. 2007-April 2008: Invited scholar at the CIAG (Centro de Investigaciones Antropologicas de Guayana), Ciudad Bolívar.
  • Cáceres, N. (accepted) "Syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: Morphologized phonology." International Journal of American Linguistics
  • Cáceres, N. (in preparation) "Asymmetries in Path expression in Ye'kwana." In Source and goal (a)symmetries, ed. by A. Kopecka and M. Ishibashi. Studies in Language special issue.
  • Cáceres, N., Gildea, S., Sapien, R. & Meira, S. (in preparation) "From Patient Nominalization to Passive in Panare and Ye’kwana (Cariban)." In Voice Systems in Diachrony: a Comparative Perspective, ed. by M. Cennamo, C. Fabrizio, & L. Kulikov. Typological Studies in Language.
  • Cáceres, N. 2011. "Documentation of Ye'kwana in the Erebato river in Venezuela." Deposited at SOAS, London: Endagered Languages Archive. Web. January 18, 2013. Webpage

Conference presentations

  • Cáceres, N. (submitted). "Finding passives in Ye’kwana (Cariban): too many might still not be enough", 50th Annual meeting of the SLE, Zurich, September 10-13, 2017
  • Cáceres, N. (submitted). "À la recherche de l’adjectivité en Ye’kwana (famille caribe)", Colloque International sur l’adjectivité, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, September 7-9, 2017
  • Cáceres, N. (accepted). "Syntactic sources for the development of a typologically unique property concepts class", International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of San Antonio, Texas, July 31-August 4, 2017
  • Cáceres, N., S. Gildea & Mattei Muller, M.C. (accepted). "Loss of Inflection in Yawarana (Cariban)", International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of San Antonio, Texas, July 31-August 4, 2017
  • Gildea, S., Cáceres, N., Meira S. & Sapién, R. 2016. "Antipassive and semantic classes of verbs in the Cariban family", 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, August 31-September 2
  • Meira, S., Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2016. "Historical changes in rhythmic stress in the Cariban family: Loss of iambic rhythm in Bakairi, Panare, Yawarana and Akawaio", Estructura de las Lenguas Amazónicas VI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia, May 23-28
  • Cáceres, N. 2016. "Nominal negation in Cariban", Estructura de las Lenguas Amazónicas VI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia, May 23-28
  • Cáceres, N. 2015. "Constructing Cariban property concepts through ADVERBs", ALT, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, August 1-3
  • Cáceres, N. 2015. "The Ye’kwana ergative imperfective: a case of reanalysis", DiaSAL Workshop, Collegium de Lyon, May 28-30
  • Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2014. "Patient Nominalization>Passive in Panare and Ye’kwana (Cariban)", Workshop on Voice Systems in Diachrony: a comparative perspective, University of Pavia, September 12
  • Meira, S, Cáceres, N. & Sapien, R. 2014. "REFLEXIVE > MIDDLE > PASSIVE > AGENTIVE PASSIVE in the Cariban family", Workshop on Voice Systems in Diachrony: a comparative perspective, University of Pavia, September 12
  • Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2013. "Construcción imperfectiva en ye'kwana (caribe)", Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica IV, University of Texas, Austin, October 24-26
  • Cáceres, N. 2013. "Syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: Morphologized phonology", Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, University of California at Santa Barbara, April 26-27
  • Cáceres, N. 2011. "Are there any compound words in Ye'kwana? A closer look at genitive constructions and postpositional phrases.", Word formation in South American languages, Université de Leipzig, June 24
  • Cáceres, N. 2011. "Les indices de personne sur les verbes en ye'kwana (famille Caribe, Vénézuela): un système inverse?", Journée d’étude sur les langues d’Amazonie. Systèmes de marquage des personnes, ISH, Lyon, March 22
  • Cáceres, N. 2010. "The motion marker ta~tan in Cariban languages: one for all? ", Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in the Amazonian Languages of the Guaporé-Mamoré region (and beyond), Lyon, March 10
  • Cáceres, N. 2010. "Détransitivisation et voix moyenne en ye'kwana", Atelier Morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, March 19
  • Cáceres, N. 2010. "Performative modality in Ye'kwana", Mood and modality in the indigenous languages of the Americas, Universiteit Leiden, March 25-26
  • Cáceres, N. 2010. "¿Existe una clase de adjetivos en ye'kwana?", Amazónicas 3: La estructura de las lenguas amazónicas, UNAL, Bogotá, April 19-24
  • Cáceres, N. 2010. "La coréférentialité en ye'kwana", SWL IV, Lyon, September 23-26
  • Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2009. "Innovative ergative main clause grammar in Ye’kwana (Cariban)", Workshop on Ergative Markers, CELIA, Paris, November 9
  • Cáceres, N. 2008. "Even when conditions seem ideal it is still hard: Fieldwork among the Ye’kwana of Venezuela", Colloque étudiant de l'Ecole d'Eté Lyon 2008, Lyon, June 28
  • Cáceres, N. 2008. "Hacia una gramática ye'kwana", communication présentée au CIAG, Ciudad Bolívar, April 15
  • Cáceres, N. 2008. "Sistema prosodico en Ye'kwana a nivel de la palabra", A Estrutura de Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática II, Recife, November 26

Invited presentations

  • Cáceres, N. 2016. "El mosaico de la expresión del tiempo y aspecto en ye'kwana", Seminario permanente de lenguas nativas, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá, Colombia, May 31
  • Cáceres, N. 2016. "A rare type of parts of speech system: constructing meaning through nouns, verbs and adverbs in Ye’kwana", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, January 22
  • Cáceres, N. 2015. "Où sont passés les adjectifs en ye’kwana ?", Séminaire PACoL, LACITO, Paris, June 15
  • Cáceres, N. 2015. "Reconstructing the causative-reflexive passive in Ye’kwana", Morphosyntax Workshop, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, April 24
  • Cáceres, N. & Rosés Labrada, J. 2014. "Terrains et profils sociolinguistiques : Mako et Ye'kwana", Atelier LED-TDR, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France, February 17
  • Cáceres, N. 2014. "Investigar efectos de atención en la gramática oral: desafíos y resultados", Seminário do Núcleo de Tipologia Linguística, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, October 30
  • Cáceres, N. 2014. "Lo que el causativo reflexivo no se hizo hacer a sí mismo en ye'kwana", Seminário do Núcleo de Tipologia Linguística, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, November 12
  • Cáceres, N. 2012, "Fish Film and Hierarchy animation data: experimenting with collecting data for attention effects on grammar in remote fieldwork conditions", COGLING Meeting, University of Oregon, Eugene, November 1
  • Cáceres, N. 2012. "Synchronic syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: A window into sound change", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, October 12
  • Gildea, S., Cáceres, N. & Yamada, R. 2010. "Explaining Counter-Universal Split Ergativity: Three Cariban Progressive/Imperfective Ergatives", DDL, Lyon, September 9
  • Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2009. "Innovative ergative main clause grammar in Ye’kwana (Cariban)", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, October 30

PhD and master thesis

  • Cáceres, N., 2011, "Grammaire fonctionnelle-typologique du ye'kwana, langue caribe du Venezuela", Dissertation, Language Sciences, University Lumière Lyon 2, 464 p. (PDF, 7MB)
  • Cáceres, N., 2007, "Introduction à la langue des Ye'kwana: Profil sociolinguistique et esquisse phonologique", Master thesis, Language Sciences, University Lumière Lyon 2, 163 p.

  • 2015: Undergraduate class in Cognitive Sciences. Université Lyon 2. Winter term (21h).
    Language sciences: phonetics and phonology.
  • 2014: Graduate seminar at the department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages. Brasilia University (UnB), Brazil. November, 3-14 (15h + individual practice sessions).
    Tools for linguistic data management (20 participants).
  • 2014: Graduate class in Language Sciences. Université Lyon 2. Fall term (7h).
    Description of oral tradition languages.