2015-present: Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon.
Project (with Spike Gildea and Marie Claude Mattei Muller): Documenting Linguistic Structure and Language Change in Yawarana.
2012: Fyssen Postdoctoral fellow. Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon.
Project: Attention effects and grammatical hierarchies: observations in Ye'kwana, an Amazonian language of Venezuela.
2012: PhD in Language Sciences, DDL - Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Dissertation title: Functional-typological grammar of Ye'kwana, Cariban language of Venezuela (PDF).
Advisors: Colette Grinevald (Lyon 2), José Álvarez (LUZ).
Committee: José Álvarez, Spike Gildea, Colette Grinevald, Antoine Guillaume, Francesc Queixalós.
2007: MA in Language Sciences, DDL - Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Thesis title: Introduction à la langue des Ye'kwana: Profil sociolinguistique et esquisse phonologique.
Advisor: Colette Grinevald (Lyon 2).
Additional training in linguistics
2016: European Summer School in Linguistics Typology, Porquerolles. Sept. 4-17.
Courses: Prosodic typology (Himmelmann), Language acquisition in a typological perspective (Stoll), A typology of language contact (Matras), Fieldwork methods (Hellwig), Oto-Manguean languages : a typological treasure of melodic complexities (Palancar), Typology of Siberian languages (Pakendorf), Typology of tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality (Hengeveld). Summer school website.
2009: Summer Institute of the LSA (Linguistic Society of America) at the University of California, Berkeley. July 4-24.
Courses: Understanding typological distributions (Bickel), Usage frequency effects in syntax (Haspelmath), Construction grammar and typology (Croft), Morphosyntactic features and inflectional morphology (Corbett).
Scientific and administrative activities
February-May 2015: Co-organizer of the Working conference on the Lexicon and Morphosyntax of Venezuelan Cariban (11-15 May, 2015 in Lyon, France). Conference website.
2013-2015 & 2006-2011: Active member of the research group on Endangered Languages of the Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (started as a fieldwork group, became the National Research Agency project Afrique, Amérique Latine, Langues en Danger [AALLED] in 2007, then one of three research axis of the home institution, axe Langues en Danger - Terrain, Documentation, Revitalisation [LED-TDR]).
December 2013-April 2014: Research technician in charge of the on-line content for the research team LED-TDR and the LabEx project ASLAN, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (UMR 5596), Lyon.
2005-2011: Active member of the project Trajectoire (CNRS / Fédération de Recherche en Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques). Project website.
2008-2011: Participated in the regular workshop Morphosyntaxe of the DDL laboratory.
May-July 2008: Member of the organizing team of the first 3L Summer School in Documentation & Language Description, June 23 - July 4, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon France.
Fieldwork activities
Yawarana (yar) language in Venezuela (San Juan de Manapiare and Majagua village): September-October 2015, March-June 2016, January(-April) 2017.
Ye'kwana (mch) language in Venezuela (Maripa, Ciudad Bolívar and Boca de Piña and Santa María de Erebato villages): July-August 2006, November 2007-April 2008, October 2008-April 2009, July-August 2010, March 2012, August 2012, May 2013, February-March 2014.
Awards and research grants
2015 (with S. Gildea & M.C. Mattei Muller): NSF/DEL grant. Documenting Linguistic Structure and Language Change in Yawarana.
2015 (with S. Gildea): Support for organization of a conference, LabEx project ASLAN.
2014: Research support, LabEx project ASLAN.
2014: Support for finalization, dissemination and use of corpora, IRCOM consortium.
2012: Postdoctoral grant, Fyssen Foundation. Attention effects and grammatical hierarchies: observations in Ye'kwana, an Amazonian language of Venezuela. 12 months.
2010: Field trip grant, Institut des Amériques (IdA).
2009-2010: PhD grant, Agence Universitaire de Francophonie (AUF).
2008-2009: Field Trip Grant, Endangered Languages Documentation Project (ELDP). Documentation of the Ye'kwana language in the Caura Basin. 6 months.
2008-2009: Mobility grants, Rhône-Alpes region (Explo'RA DOC) and Ministry of Education (Aires Culturelles) for a 6 month research visit at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Oregon.
2007-2008: Field trip grant, AALLED (Afrique, Amérique Latine, Langues en Danger).
2004: Regional grant for international training (BRFE) for a study abroad semester at the Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria.
Other affiliations
Aug.-Sept. 2008 & Aug.-Oct. 2009: Invited scholar at the Linguistics Department of the University of Oregon.
Nov. 2007-April 2008: Invited scholar at the CIAG (Centro de Investigaciones Antropologicas de Guayana), Ciudad Bolívar.
Publications and conferences
Cáceres, N. (accepted) "Syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: Morphologized phonology." International Journal of American Linguistics
Cáceres, N. (in preparation) "Asymmetries in Path expression in Ye'kwana." In Source and goal (a)symmetries, ed. by A. Kopecka and M. Ishibashi. Studies in Language special issue.
Cáceres, N., Gildea, S., Sapien, R. & Meira, S. (in preparation) "From Patient Nominalization to Passive in Panare and Ye’kwana (Cariban)." In Voice Systems in Diachrony: a Comparative Perspective, ed. by M. Cennamo, C. Fabrizio, & L. Kulikov. Typological Studies in Language.
Cáceres, N. 2011. "Documentation of Ye'kwana in the Erebato river in Venezuela." Deposited at SOAS, London: Endagered Languages Archive. Web. January 18, 2013.
Conference presentations
Cáceres, N. (submitted). "Finding passives in Ye’kwana (Cariban): too many might still not be enough", 50th Annual meeting of the SLE, Zurich, September 10-13, 2017
Cáceres, N. (submitted). "À la recherche de l’adjectivité en Ye’kwana (famille caribe)", Colloque International sur l’adjectivité, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, September 7-9, 2017
Cáceres, N. (accepted). "Syntactic sources for the development of a typologically unique property concepts class", International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of San Antonio, Texas, July 31-August 4, 2017
Cáceres, N., S. Gildea & Mattei Muller, M.C. (accepted). "Loss of Inflection in Yawarana (Cariban)", International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of San Antonio, Texas, July 31-August 4, 2017
Gildea, S., Cáceres, N., Meira S. & Sapién, R. 2016. "Antipassive and semantic classes of verbs in the Cariban family", 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, August 31-September 2
Meira, S., Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2016. "Historical changes in rhythmic stress in the Cariban family: Loss of iambic rhythm in Bakairi, Panare, Yawarana and Akawaio", Estructura de las Lenguas Amazónicas VI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia, May 23-28
Cáceres, N. 2016. "Nominal negation in Cariban", Estructura de las Lenguas Amazónicas VI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia, May 23-28
Cáceres, N. 2015. "Constructing Cariban property concepts through ADVERBs", ALT, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, August 1-3
Cáceres, N. 2015. "The Ye’kwana ergative imperfective: a case of reanalysis", DiaSAL Workshop, Collegium de Lyon, May 28-30
Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2014. "Patient Nominalization>Passive in Panare and Ye’kwana (Cariban)", Workshop on Voice Systems in Diachrony: a comparative perspective, University of Pavia, September 12
Meira, S, Cáceres, N. & Sapien, R. 2014. "REFLEXIVE > MIDDLE > PASSIVE > AGENTIVE PASSIVE in the Cariban family", Workshop on Voice Systems in Diachrony: a comparative perspective, University of Pavia, September 12
Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2013. "Construcción imperfectiva en ye'kwana (caribe)", Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica IV, University of Texas, Austin, October 24-26
Cáceres, N. 2013. "Syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: Morphologized phonology", Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, University of California at Santa Barbara, April 26-27
Cáceres, N. 2011. "Are there any compound words in Ye'kwana? A closer look at genitive constructions and postpositional phrases.", Word formation in South American languages, Université de Leipzig, June 24
Cáceres, N. 2011. "Les indices de personne sur les verbes en ye'kwana (famille Caribe, Vénézuela): un système inverse?", Journée d’étude sur les langues d’Amazonie. Systèmes de marquage des personnes, ISH, Lyon, March 22
Cáceres, N. 2010. "The motion marker ta~tan in Cariban languages: one for all? ", Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in the Amazonian Languages of the Guaporé-Mamoré region (and beyond), Lyon, March 10
Cáceres, N. 2010. "Détransitivisation et voix moyenne en ye'kwana", Atelier Morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, March 19
Cáceres, N. 2010. "Performative modality in Ye'kwana", Mood and modality in the indigenous languages of the Americas, Universiteit Leiden, March 25-26
Cáceres, N. 2010. "¿Existe una clase de adjetivos en ye'kwana?", Amazónicas 3: La estructura de las lenguas amazónicas, UNAL, Bogotá, April 19-24
Cáceres, N. 2010. "La coréférentialité en ye'kwana", SWL IV, Lyon, September 23-26
Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2009. "Innovative ergative main clause grammar in Ye’kwana (Cariban)", Workshop on Ergative Markers, CELIA, Paris, November 9
Cáceres, N. 2008. "Even when conditions seem ideal it is still hard: Fieldwork among the Ye’kwana of Venezuela", Colloque étudiant de l'Ecole d'Eté Lyon 2008, Lyon, June 28
Cáceres, N. 2008. "Hacia una gramática ye'kwana", communication présentée au CIAG, Ciudad Bolívar, April 15
Cáceres, N. 2008. "Sistema prosodico en Ye'kwana a nivel de la palabra", A Estrutura de Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática II, Recife, November 26
Invited presentations
Cáceres, N. 2016. "El mosaico de la expresión del tiempo y aspecto en ye'kwana", Seminario permanente de lenguas nativas, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá, Colombia, May 31
Cáceres, N. 2016. "A rare type of parts of speech system: constructing meaning through nouns, verbs and adverbs in Ye’kwana", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, January 22
Cáceres, N. 2015. "Où sont passés les adjectifs en ye’kwana ?", Séminaire PACoL, LACITO, Paris, June 15
Cáceres, N. 2015. "Reconstructing the causative-reflexive passive in Ye’kwana", Morphosyntax Workshop, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, April 24
Cáceres, N. & Rosés Labrada, J. 2014. "Terrains et profils sociolinguistiques : Mako et Ye'kwana", Atelier LED-TDR, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France, February 17
Cáceres, N. 2014. "Investigar efectos de atención en la gramática oral: desafíos y resultados", Seminário do Núcleo de Tipologia Linguística, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, October 30
Cáceres, N. 2014. "Lo que el causativo reflexivo no se hizo hacer a sí mismo en ye'kwana", Seminário do Núcleo de Tipologia Linguística, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, November 12
Cáceres, N. 2012, "Fish Film and Hierarchy animation data: experimenting with collecting data for attention effects on grammar in remote fieldwork conditions", COGLING Meeting, University of Oregon, Eugene, November 1
Cáceres, N. 2012. "Synchronic syllable reduction in Ye'kwana: A window into sound change", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, October 12
Gildea, S., Cáceres, N. & Yamada, R. 2010. "Explaining Counter-Universal Split Ergativity: Three Cariban Progressive/Imperfective Ergatives", DDL, Lyon, September 9
Cáceres, N. & Gildea, S. 2009. "Innovative ergative main clause grammar in Ye’kwana (Cariban)", UO Linguistics Colloquium, Eugene, October 30
PhD and master thesis
Cáceres, N., 2011, "Grammaire fonctionnelle-typologique du ye'kwana, langue caribe du Venezuela", Dissertation, Language Sciences, University Lumière Lyon 2, 464 p. (PDF, 7MB)
Cáceres, N., 2007, "Introduction à la langue des Ye'kwana: Profil sociolinguistique et esquisse phonologique", Master thesis, Language Sciences, University Lumière Lyon 2, 163 p.
Teaching experience
2015: Undergraduate class in Cognitive Sciences. Université Lyon 2. Winter term (21h).
Language sciences: phonetics and phonology.
2014: Graduate seminar at the department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages. Brasilia University (UnB), Brazil. November, 3-14 (15h + individual practice sessions).
Tools for linguistic data management (20 participants).
2014: Graduate class in Language Sciences. Université Lyon 2. Fall term (7h).
Description of oral tradition languages.