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Scholarly Publications


  1. Inside the Russian Soul: A Historical Survey of Russian Cultural Patterns, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997, 551 pp.; 2nd Revised Edition, 2001, 632 pp. (Reviewed in: The Learning and Teaching of Slavic Languages, ed. by O.Kagan and B.Rifkin: Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 200, pp. 681-91).
  2. Stalin and Ants: On the Future of a `Useless Class', in progress.


  1. "'Ten' [Shadow]: Akhmatova, Pushkin, Batiushkov." Proceedings. The Pushkin Museum 10th Annual Conference, Moscow, 1982.
  2. "Iskrenni li poety? [Does Poetry Have to Be Sincere?]" INION: Obshchestvennye nauki za rubezhom, no. 2, 1983: 67-68.
  3. "Epigony i literaturnoe razvitie [The Role of Plagiarism in Literary History]." Proceedings. The Student Conference on Literary Theory, Leningrad State University, 1984.
  4. "Poeticheskaia toponimia romantizma [The Toponymy of Romantic Poetry]." Proceedings. Pushkin Museum 13th Annual Conference, Moscow, 1985.
  5. "Russkaia literaturnaia sensatsiia [Sensation in Russian Literature]." Proceedings. The Student Conference on Literary Theory, Leningrad State University, 1985.
  6. "Pushkin protiv Gerdera: Istoriia i legenda v tvorchestve Pushkina [Pushkin vs. Herder: History and Legend in Pushkin's Work]." Master's Thesis, Moscow State University, 1985, 229 pp.
  7. "'Eshche tvoei molvoi napolnen sei predel:' Pushkin i Ovidii v Bessarabii ["'Your Memory is Still Around:' Pushkin and Ovid in Bessarabia]." Kodry, no. 6, 1987: 134-8.
  8. "'Zayezzhii figliar' u Pushkina [Buffoon in Pushkin's Work]." Russkaia rech', no. 3, 1989: 17-23.
  9. "Elizaveta Bibikova." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Sovietskaia Entsiklopedia. Vol. 1, 1989: 267.
  10. "Ironiia - iznanaka pechali: o sovremennykh poetakh [Irony is the Wrong Side of Sadness: on Modern Poets]." Literaturnaia gazeta, 13 July, 1990: 9-10.
  11. "Utan att for "andra v"arlden [Without Changing the World]." Bonniers Literary Magazine, no. 4, 1990: 94-104.
  12. " Contemporary Russian Poetry (1970-1990)." The Swedish Academy Reports, 1990, 12 pp.
  13. "Pushkin i frantsuzskaia traditsiia poesie pensee [Pushkin and the French Tradition of Poesie Pensee]." PhD Thesis, Moscow State University, 1991, 205 pp.
  14. "Contemporary Russian Prose (1970-1990). " The Swedish Academy Report, 1991, 15 pp.
  15. "Sacred Versus Satanic: Problems of Russian Cultural Development." VARD"O: Pictures of Reality, Stockholm, 1991: 8-9.
  16. "The Living Legend: Solzhenitsyn in the Past and in the Present [En levande tradition, en levande legend]." Bonniers Literary Magazine, no. 6, 1991: 34-49.
  17. "Aleksandr Komarov.'' Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Vol. 3, 1994: 40-41.
  18. "Maria Lisitsyna." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Vol. 3, 1994: 365-66.
  19. "Vladimir Turbin." The Pushkin Journal: The Journal of the North American Pushkin Society, Vol. 1, no. 2, 1993: 197.
  20. "Iz rezedy, fialok i lilei [Made of Mignonettes, Violets and Lilies]." Literaturnoe obozrenie, no.2, 1996: 26-43.
  21. "Zhizn' Barona Del'viga." Kol'tso A, no. 2, 1996, Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii: 329-34.
  22. "Russian Eschatology." Die Schrifte, Vol. 6, 1997: 72-81.
  23. "On Leo Tolstoy and Other Essays." Kontrapunkt, no. 1, 1999: 2-12.
  24. "Simmetrii [Symmetries]." A monthly column on intelligentsia's mind-set in Novaya Gazeta. Moscow, 1998-1999.
  25. "Venedikt Erofeev and Milan Kundera: The Devilish Angels." Literaturnoe Obozrenie, to appear.
  26. "You Are the Salt of the Earth." First Things, to appear.
  27. "Ivan Kreshev." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  28. "Grigorii Malyshev." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  29. " Sergei Navrotskii." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  30. "Ivan Benken." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  31. "Vladimir Glinka." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  32. " Aleksandr Myl'nikov." Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Moscow: Bolshaia Rossiiskaia Entsiklopedia. Supplementary Vol., to appear.
  33. "Dve teni: neizvestnye zhenshchiny v russkoi literature [Two Shadows: Unknown Female Authors in Russian Literature]." Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, submitted.
  34. "The Fussy Genius: Gogol and Mickiewicz Through Pushkin's Eyes." The Golden Age, ed. by G. Kalbouss, Ohio State University, submitted.
  35. "The Idiomatic Culture." Slovo-Word, New York, submitted.
  36. "Pompeii in Russian Literature," in progress.