Civic Patronage in the Roman Empire
Companion Web Site [CWS]
John Nicols
Status: 28 July 2014
"Companion Web Site" to my Civic
Patronage in the Roman Empire [Leiden; Brill, 2014] contains a number of
spreadsheets that break down the epigraphical data into manageable ÔprofilesÕ.
Please note the following:
- the CWS is a 'work in progress'. I plan to add more data and make corrections and improvement over the coming years, probably doing so on a six month basis as long as I am able.
- in order to format the PDF to display across one "page"
/ screen, some compromises had to be made; that is, it was not possible to
provide all the data in all the columns in one useable PDF. The data will then
be made available in separate profiles. As noted below, I am ready to send an electronic version [Excel
Spreadsheet] to interested scholars.
- Please be patient with the download. Most of the PDFs are large: over 850 lines of text and five to eight columns.
- These 'profiles'
do complement one another; but taken separately they may be awkward to use. As noted above and below the complete
spreadsheet is available on request.
The Program
Part I: The basics: Sorted here by Inventory Number; also sorted by nomen in Part IV. Columns have the following headings: Inventory No., nomen cognomen, date, approximate date, evidence, and client and benefactions = NicolsPDF_I [Available 1
March 2014].
Part II: The profile of the patron [available mid
summer, 2014].
career pattern and administrative activities in
the client community or region. Sorted by nomen. Column headings: Inv. No., nomen, cognomen, career type, imperial offices, offices in region, offices in client community = NicolsPDF_II_1,
- and civic patronage enjoyed by relatives. This PDF sorts first by community and province, status of community, authorizing agency, evidence, Inv.No., nomen, cognomen of the patron, and the last column lists the InvNo. of all relatives who were patrons of the community [this column is under review for consistency]. = NicolsPDF_II_2.
Part III: The profile of the client community.
The client community. Sorted by province, then community name. Columns include: Province, Client, Status of community, date [approximate, see below, Part IV], Certainty [where 1 is high and 3 is low, cf. IV,3 below] Inv.No., nomen, cognomen= NicolsPDF_III_1
- sorted by status of community and then
alphabetically by client name. Also date, InvNo., nomen, cognomen= NicolsPDF_III_2
Part IV: The profile of benefactions, material and
administrative. The material
will be arranged in several PDFs [available mid summer, 2014]:
by the nomen of the patron = NicolsPDF IV 1 [as in NicolsPDF_I
above, but sorted by nomen then cognomen.
- Sorted by the location of the client community,
first by province and then by client community = NicolsPDF
IV 2
- Sorted chronologically without reference to
location. NOTE: the date of cooption is in most cases not clear. The date is then a 'best guess', but I have also provided the approximate range into which this case may fall = NicolsPDF IV 3.
- Patria of the patron and the client community. Sorted by nomen, cognomen. Columns include: nomen, cognomen, InvNo., patria, client, province = NicolsPDF_IV_4
V: The profile of the monument /
inscription. [available late summer, 2014]
- type of monument: sorted by type of monument. Columns include in this order: type, evidence, date, nomen, cognomen, client, province = NicolsPDF_V_1
- dimensions: sorted by type of monument. Columns include in this order: type, dimensions,
evidence, Inv.No., evidence, client, province = NicolsPDF_V_2
- date: sorted by date [approximated]. Columns include in this order: date, certainty [1= high; 3 = low], evidence, type, Inv.No., client = NicolsPDF_V_3
Part VI: Cross references between the printed editon and the CWS.
I am grateful for
any corrections, supplements or comments to improve the presentation. I hope to post updates with corrections
by the end of 2014.
Please note that
an Excel spreadsheet with all the data is also available on request.
J. Nicols, Eugene,
Oregon, 1 March 2014
phone in US: 541.346.4817.
I am grateful to
Marianne S. Nicols and to Levi Waschmann for their
assistance in developing the profiles and to Catherine Flynn-Purvis of the
University / Knight Library for posting and maintaining the CWS at the ScholarsBank of the University of Oregon. Hendrik Dey and Michael Peachin helped me to trouble-shot the PDFs. .