Jim Palandri
Research Associate
Department of Earth Sciences
1272 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1272
Jim might be found in:
- Ilya
Bindeman's stable isotope lab
- Elsewhere in Cascade or in Columbia, maintaining or fixing
- TSA's various shops.
The folks who can build almost anything
A ongoing project is restoration
of Gastherm.dat,
the thermodynamic database for programs GASWORK, SOLVGAS, and
VOLCAL. These volcanic gas modeling programs are analogous to
programs Chim-XPT, Solveq-XPT, and Geocal-XPT (which use file Soltherm.XPT
as their database) except that the mobile phase carrying all of the
chemical components is gaseous rather than aqueous.
- GASWORKS computes multi-phase equilibria among gases,
minerals, other solids, and condensed liquids, where temperature,
composition, or the fugacity of a gas, can each be changed
incrementally to create a reaction path model. Pressure is currently
limited to 1 bar.
- SOLVGAS computes equilibria within the gas phase only, and
determines the degree of super- or under-saturation of the gas with
respect to solids and liquids that could precipitate as sublimates
or condensates. It is well suited for restoring analyses of volcanic
gases and modeling the speciation of gas mixtures.
- VOLCAL is for converting volcanic gas analyzed compositions
in moles, mole%, or mole% for major gases and ppm in condensate for
trace elements, to moles only, and to create the files used for
input for both SOLVGAS and GASRUN.
- Related items
Handy links to mostly local reference info. Some *off-site and so
commonly with broken links:
Items related to local applications Chim-XPT, Solveq-XPT, and
Geocal-XPT —
- Soltherm.XPT
— Now with tourmaline and latest basis set component #66†
univalent lithium. Sweet, sweet, lithium — Based on
internally consistent mineral and gas phase data from Holland and
Powell 2011,
and updated Supcrt92 aqueous species data
- Soltherm_H2O-extended-H.xpt
— A provisional version with the water enthalpy table extended from
600 to 1000C, and expanded to include steam and the low density
region outside 0.35 g/cc isochore, all down 1 bar. Allowing addition
of high T volcanic gas in fluid-fluid mixing calculations. The
temperature limit for the combined fluid remains 600°C.
- XPT-LogK
— a utility for extracting and interpolating log K's in Soltherm
- Solprint-2011-XPT.txt
— distilled from SOLTHERM as a user reference, showing balanced
reactions and log K's limited to liquid-vapor saturation from 25 to
350 °C
- SolthermBRGM.XPT
| SolprintBRGM.txt
— *BRGM *Thermoddem data, reformatted
from the ToughReact *version.
For the Martians, and other low temperature peoples
- Gas.sto
— gas stoichiometry data for program Geocal-XPT | Minox.dat
— reactant stoichiometry data for Chim-XPT
- Manuals: Solveq-XPT
and Chim-XPT
- Fugacity coefficients in mixtures of H2O, CO2,
and NaCl at high P and T: program FUGCO,
with a worked example
as in the cited reference, and included as subroutines in Chim-XPT
- Delicious water, what are thine properties?
So too ethereal vapor phase thereof - Steam Tables - pdf,
Supcrt-related items for computing log K's in Soltherm —
- Supcrt92.zip
— the original distribution from Johnson et al. 1992
using Maier-Kelly heat capacity: Cp = a + b T + c T-2
- Supcrt96 | Source
| Win32
— derived from Supcrt92 to use Maier-Kelly heat capacity, and adding
Powell and Holland 1990:
Cp = a + b T + c T-2 + d T-0.5
- Cprons96 | Source
| Win32
— derived from Cprons92. Converts any (including any of those for
Supcrt92) properly formatted sequential access database to direct
access, suitable for use with Supcrt96
Some items related to the data used by Supcrt —
- *Thermocalc
— for phase equilibria computations — application and data from Tim
The primary application for which the Holland and Powell 2011
compiled their data
- The most current Supcrt92 data might be found at the Gitlab ENKI portal, in Everett
Shock's Geopig
workgroup space, file Slop16.dat.
This group has done phenomenal work in adding data for organic
compounds. Changes in slop16 relative to 07 include the addition of
many new organic compounds, now for the first time including
crystalline solids(!); changes to inorganic aqueous species are
minimal and not yet adopted in SOLTHERM.
Notes regarding files SPRONS and DPRONS — Sequential-, and Direct-access
PROperties of Natural Substances, as per
Johnson et al 1992.
The sequential access file is for data editing, and is then
processed by Cprons into the direct access version for increased
Supcrt execution speed.
— The original masterpiece
- SpronsHP2011.dat
— The current sequential access version contains aqueous species
from Slop07.dat and SpronsAqs,
and minerals and gases from SpronsH&P2011minerals,
from Slop07 those that are not already present in SpronsH&P2011,
and from Sprons96Misc
- ***Spronshp2011GT.dat
— A provisional version of SPRONS for updating the GASTHERM database
for programs SOLVGAS and GASWORKS currently containing 758 gases.
- dpronshp.dat
- The above file piped through Cprons96 and ready to use with
- SpronsH&P2011minerals.dat
— Mineral and gas phase data derived from Holland and Powell 2011
in the format for which Supcr96 and Cprons96 were originally hacked
in 1996. The data is *updated
and revised occasionally by Holland and Powell; the 2011 version can
be found here
- Sprons96Misc.dat
— Bonus mineral and gas phase data from other sources, also properly
formatted for Supcrt96
- SpronsAqs.dat
— Bonus aqueous phase data too, properly formatted for any version
of Supcrt. In particular, H4SiO4,aq.
from Stefánsson 2001;
rarely does so very much hinge upon so very little
- Locally there are two SPRONS variants, Slop16.dat
from Shock et al. with only added H4SiO4,aq.
from Stefánsson, and SpronsHP2011.dat
with identical aqueous species, all of
SpronsH&P2011minerals.dat, and the other miscellaneous items
from Sprons96Misc.dat and SpronsAqs.dat
Other miscellaneous links:
Experimental petrology —
- CSPV North
— LabVIEW v.2012sp1/WinXP
- CSPV South
— LabVIEW v.2018/Win10-64
- Related items
Isotope ratio mass spectrometry —
- Some info on laser fluorination
- More mostly reference info
Fluid inclusions —
- Some photos
of the setup, before it was boxed up
Just for fun —
- Geologic map [A,
USGS 7.5' - Clarno,
Ranch] of Muddy Ranch and vicinity, north of Currant and Muddy
Creeks, Wasco, Wheeler, and Jefferson Counties, Oregon (1993). Aka Washington
Family Ranch, and before that Rajneeshpuram
- Streetcar map
of Eugene, OR, 1907-1928 — Exposed track is still be seen on Moss,
Columbia, and University Streets. Modified from a map
published in Eugene Weekly in 2008
- Some photographs
of the I-5 Whilamut
Passage Bridge replacement and related construction, near
milepost OR 192
- Related items
The data —
- It wants to be free
† Bringing us to 55 of 82‡ stable elements in the
Soltherm basis set. The other items being metastable acetate,
oxalate, succinate, malonate, aqueous CH4, H2,
N2, and NH3, radioactive UO2+
and Pm+3, and alternate redox component O2 -
redox state is defined by either paired sulfate-sulfide or H2O-O2.
A legacy from the era of 16-bit operating systems, when use of
sulfide for an oxidizing system, or O2 for a reducing
system, might cause an array underflow — or that was claimed to be
the case but will never be verified. Since water must be present and
sulfate is so common, basis components sulfide and O2
were hard coded to be mutually exclusive. Pick one.
‡ Bismuth-209 undergoes α-decay to 205Tl with
a half-life of 2.01x1019 years, or, ~1.46x1009
times the 1.38*1010 or so year age of our observable
universe. To not be a pedant but only in this one case, bismuth is
deemed stable. So 82 rather than 81.
- Vetinari