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Quick Tutorial by John Park  
line decor
  TUTORIAL 1  ::  
line decor
Processing | LESSON 1

A first step into visual programming...

STEP 1: The Interface

The Processing Interface is clean, simple and fast. Here is the screen when you create a new document:

Notice that there are only 7 interface buttons and the file menu header. This is very clean and simplified when compared to the Adobe line of software products.
Note that Processing automatically names your document when you create it. When you save your document, you can change this default name.

Here is what the seven buttons do:

STEP 2: Your FIRST Program

Let's jump right in and write our first program.

In Processing we first define the size of our SKETCH (what processing calls a program that you write).
To define the Sketch dimensions we write:


This creates a canvas that is 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high. See more here.

While we are at it, let's define the background color of this new canvas. To change the background color we use the line:

(a single digit means a grayscale value. 0 is black - , 255 is white - , and all values in between are greys such as 127 for a middle gray - )


background(220, 25, 65);
(designating three values signal Red, Green, Blue values. This is also referred to as an RGB value.)


! NOTE !: part of the syntax of this programming language (and most other computer languages) is that you add a semiColon at the end of each line. Go back and notice the semicolon after the size line and the background line.

Now your window should have two lines of code like the below image:

Now hit the play (run) icon to execute your program. You should get a window with the dimensions that you specified and with the background color that you specified. Congratulations! You wrote your first program. The SHORTCUT to run a program is CTRL+R (CMD+R on a MAC)

STEP 3: Adding more elements to your Program

Now let's start talking about adding some elements to your program. We will start with one of the simplest elements of all, the LINE.
The command to add a line is:

line( x1, y1, x2, y2);

See more here on line();

So more specifically, let's add a line() to our sketch.

line(150, 25, 270, 350);
(above: the first two values are the X,Y values of the starting point of the line, the second two values are the X,Y of the end point of the line)

But before drawing a line, let's define what kind of stroke the line will have. This will tell processing the color of the line, and if we want the opacity as well. So prior to the LINE code, we will add:


This tells processing that our line will be WHITE. Try changing the values.
After adding those two lines of code we will have something like the below code:

The resulting sketch looks like this:

Now go ahead and experiment changing the values and/or by adding multiple lines of the LINE(X1,Y1,X2,Y2); code.

STEP 4: Injecting some interactivity

So far we only have STATIC images with these lines. Let's use the USER's mouse position to stand in for one of the points:


Make sure to pay attention to case sensitivity. As you will see, the command mouseX and mouseY will use the X and Y mouse position. If we insert the above line of code into our program then we only get that line once. What if we want to constantly get new lines...to have Processing actively update?

This is where we introduce a new concept...functions. Next we will use two simple functions that work very differently.

A FUNCTION is a set of lines of code that can be can be called over and over again. Here we will use two already defined functions. One is called setup() and the other is called draw(). It is easy to remember that setup() only runs once. This is where you can initialize settings such as size(x,y) or stroke(x).

The function draw() on the other hand runs repeatedly at frame rate. The default framerate is 60 frames per second.

We will start writing our function with the word void because our functions will not return any values. Also, after the open and close parentheses that follow the function name, we will open a curly bracket like this: {

After the curly bracket you can put as many lines of code as you wish. When you are finished writing your lines of code, you can CLOSE THE FUNCTION with a close curly bracket symbols like this: }

If this sounds confusing, look at the syntax (or format) of the following code:

Now that you know this, see how we can create an interactive sketch? One end of each line draws where you mouse is and the other end draws at 270 pixels in the X-axis and 350 pixels down in the Y-axis. This operation repeats at 60 frames per second. Example result:

Once you try this out, try adding more lines of code to make the sketch more exciting.
Here is ONE example of how to make the image look better.

The above code makes some changes. One of the them is the stroke. If you put 3 different number values followed by commas, Processing knows you are talking about an RGB value. If you put a fourth value in their it knows you are talking about an alpha channel value (or transparency). So by using a stroke value of stroke(10, 25, 220, 100); I am saying a line that is 10 Red, 25 Green, 220 Blue and 100 Alpha. All of these values range from 0-255 (8 bit numbers).
I also changed the background() value to 0 to make a black backdrop. This should make foreground colors pop.

Try your own variations. Remember that there is no harm in experimenting...in fact it's the best way to learn.

STEP 5: Where to go from here

You now know enough to experiment. Here are some commands that will get you more interesting shapes:

The syntax goes like this: curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
(x1,y1 is the starting point. x4,y4 is the ending point. The two points x2,y2 and x3,y3 refer to two middle points in between the end points)

FILL, STROKE, noFill(), etc
The fill() command designates the color of an interior fill of a shape. The same rules apply where a single value creates grayscale, three values makes it RGB, etc.

ellipse(x, y, width, height);
(x and y refer to the center point of the ellipse, width and height are in pixels. Ellipses use a fill unless specified otherwise.
Here is the web reference for ellipses: HERE

Ellipse Example:

Sample result:

INPUTS: See the Processing reference under the section called 'inputs' to see alternate functions. In particular try mouseMoved(); or mousePressed();
The reference can be found HERE

If you feel comfortable with what you have learned thus far, check out more commands and functions that are built into the processing language at the official Processing.org Reference Section