UO QuarkNet Workshop June 22, 2022

412 Willamette Hall, University of Oregon


Program, with links to talks


 Ray Frey:  I. Introductions  II. Gravitational waves – a new window on the universe [pdf slides]


 Stephanie Majewski: CERN LHC Run 3 – Start-up! [pdf slides]


Spencer Chang: The W mass – why the hubbub? [pdf slides]




 Roundtable on teacher projects, advice, notes, etc


 Laura Jeanty: Happy 10th birthday Higgs! [pdf slides]


 Jim Brau: A new technology for HEP detectors [pdf slides]


 Robert Schofield: Latest from the Ant Lab [article from The Conversation]

    Ray Frey, rayfrey (at uoregon.edu),  541-346-5873
    Anne McGinley, annem (at uoregon.edu),  541-346-4898

UO Faculty participants:
    Ray Frey, Stephanie Majewski, Spencer Chang, Laura Jeanty, Jim Brau, Robert Schofield

High school science teacher participants:

    Allix Baker (Sheldon High School)
    Holly Lynn (South Eugene HS)
    Dave Trapp  (QuarkNet)
    Dani Tubman  (South Eugene HS)
    Asher Tubman (South Eugene HS)
    Pamela Watts (South Albany HS)


Oregon QuarkNet
US QuarkNet
