Planning Analysis:
Monitoring & Evaluation

 Monitoring & Evaluation

  Why Monitor? 

  Benefit of Monitoring & Evaluation

Not always done (sometimes required)...or maybe even often done

        If it's such a good idea....why not done?

If I asked you to put together a work [program...what steps might be involved?

  1. What were original goals?

  2. What questions should we ask?

  3. What collected?

  4. Who should be involved in evaluation process?

  5.  Are we able to isolate factors?

  6. What changes need to be made?

  Ways Policies/Programs Evaluated       

Most Common Is After........However,  need to set scene for evaluation early on:

Types of Ex-Post Evaluations     

Principals of  Evaluation   

  1. Determine focus of evaluation  - why..impact..what much time

  2. Become involved early as possible - design before program

  3. Determine what data will be produced - who will look at

  4. Determine what change is being measured - goals..specific..measure          

  5. Use multiple methods of measurement -

  6.  Design evaluation to provide in-course

  7.  Involve program staff in the evaluation - Buy-off..good info

  8.   Make preliminary findings available - Brings folks into process..political


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September 30, 2002