Curricula for Active Learning in the Introductory Physics Course

Tools for Scientific Thinking

Workshop Physics

RealTime Physics

A new series of laboratory guides is under development. The goal of this project is to design a series of related laboratory activities that develop both a conceptual understanding and quantitative laboratory skills for each topic.

Each guide includes a full term of sequenced laboratory investigations which combine new activities with those already developed for the Tools for Scientific Thinking and Workshop Physics programs.

These laboratories are for use at the introductory college level as part of a college or university physics course. They are especially designed for those desiring to initiate active learning in the laboratory without making changes in the overall structure of the introductory physics course.

RealTime Physics Laboratory Guides Available and Under Development

RealTime Physics Module 1: Mechanics

12 labs--available now from Wiley


RealTime Physics Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics

6 labs--available now from Wiley


RealTime Physics Electric Circuits

6 labs--available from Vernier Software


RealTime Physics Light and Optics

6 labs--under development--available 9/99