Triton, moon of Neptune
- Neptune's largest moon.
- 14 RN from Neptune.
- 6 day orbital period backwards .
Retrograde orbit suggests it was captured by Neptune.
- Radius ~ 0.78 Rmoon.
- Mass ~ 0.39 Mmoon (use space probe path to find).
What is Triton's density? To find out, we need to know how to
compute a density. Then we compute

- The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
- The density of rock is 3000 kg/m3 more or less.
- The density of the moon is 3300 kg/m3.
- We could conclude that the moon is mostly made of rock.
- The density of the earth is about 5500 kg/m3.
- That tells us that the rock in the middle of the earth is
compressed, making it more dense.
- It also tells us that there is a lot of iron in the middle
of the earth.
- Triton is less dense than the moon.
- We conclude that Triton is made of rock and ice.
Temperature: 37 K (that's on the Kelvin scale.)
Surface features
Here is the south pole region

There are few craters.
- Our moon has lots of craters.
- Triton has a little atmosphere, but it is not nearly enough to
protect it from big rocks hitting and making craters.
- This suggests that Triton has been ``repaved'' since whenever
there may have been lots of rocks hitting it.
Here is another region, close up.

- Few craters: young surface.
- Scarps and cracks on ice surface.
- At this temperature, ice is more rigid than ice on Earth.
- Very flat areas suggest that these areas were once liquid water.
Here is a closeup of the south polar region.

- White N2 ice on south polar caps.
- dark streaks: N2 geysers?
ASTR 121 Home
Davison E. Soper, Institute of Theoretical Science,
University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA