Ptolemy of Alexandria

~125 AD

Wrote a major book on astronomy, which dominated astronomy (in the "West") for more than a thousand years.

Many of his ideas came from previous astronomers.

The main ideas:

To see the relation of the model to predictions, try this exercise:
Suppose that three different astronomers, Ptommy, Pterry, and Ptammy have three different models for the path of planet X:

We consult the oracle at Delphi, who says (in her usual cryptic manner) that two of these astronomers have models that agree with data, while one has not actually looked at the sky and has a model that will not agree with the data. Which two astronomers' models could agree with data on the motion of planet X on the sky?

Oops... Actually Ptolemy's model is a little more complicated:

This came with quantitative predictions.

Editorial comment:

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Davison E. Soper, Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA