Narsai was one of the greatest of the Assyrian (Nestorian) writers, "Nestorian
is the misnomer imposed by the Western Church on the Church of the
East". He was born about the beginning of the 5th century. He
went to Edessa where, after completing his studies in Greek and in
Biblical and theological subjects, he became the rector of the Edessan
school (437-459). In the controversy between the Nestorians and the
Monophysites, he sided with the Nestorians who enjoyed the patronage
of Ibas, bishop of Edessa. After the death of Ibas, Narsai and his
Nestorians colleagues were expelled from Edessa. They went to Nisibis.
With the support of Barsauma, bishop of Nisibis, Narsai founded the
Nestorian school of Nisibis. He was its rector for about 50 years. He
died in 502 A.D.
Mar Narsai was a copious writer, both in prose and verse. He dealt with Biblical, theological, liturgical and moral subjects. His works comprise commentaries on the Bible, explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Baptism, a book on the corruption of morals, a number of consolatory poems, expositions, canticles, hymns,sermons, and instructions. His style if polished, elegant, rich in elaborate similes, and occasionally decked with rhymes, either in the beginning or at the end of the verses. Many of his works perished. No complete edition of his extant works has been made. Different works were edited by different scholars. The biggest edition is that of Dr. Mingana ("Narsai, homiliae et Carmina", 2 Vols. Mosul 1905). |
An Exposition of The Mysteries
He was laid in a
manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes, as Man;
and the watchers extolled Him with their praises, as God.
He offered sacrifices according to the Law, as Man;
and He received worship from the Persians, as God.
Simeon bore Him upon his arms, as Man;
and he named Him 'the Mercy' who showth mercy to all, as God.
He kept the Law completely, as Man;
and He gave His own new Law, as God.
He was baptized in Jordan by John, as Man;
and the heaven was opened in honour of His baptism, as God.
He went in to the marriage-feast of the city of Canna, as Man;
and He changed the water that it became wine, as God.
He fasted in the wilderness forty days, as Man;
and watchers descended to minister unto Him, as God.
He slept in the boat with His disciples, as Man;
and He rebuked the wind and calmed the sea, as God.
He set out and departed to a desert place, as Man;
and He multiplied the bread and satisfied thousands, as God.
He ate and drank and walked and was weary, as Man;
and He put devils to flight by the word of His mouth, as God.
He prayed and watched and gave thanks and worshipped, as Man;
and He forgave debts and pardoned sins, as God.
He asked water of the Samaritan woman, as Man;
and He revealed and declared her secrets, as God.
He sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, as Man;
and He forgave the sinful woman her sins, as God.
He went up into the mountain of Tabor with His disciples, as Man;
and He revealed His glory in their sight, as God.
He shed tears and wept over Lazarus, as Man;
and He called him that he came forth by His mighty power, as God.
He rode upon a colt and entered Jerusalem, as Man;
and the boys applauded Him with their Hosannas, as God.
He drew nigh to the fig-tree and shewed that He was hungered, as Man;
and His mighty power caused it to wither on a sudden, as God.
He washed the feet of His twelve, as Man;
and He called Himself Lord and Master, as God.
He ate the legal passover, as Man;
and He exposed the treachery of Iscariot, as God.
He prayed and sweated at the time of His passion, as Man;
and He scared and terrified them that took Him, as God.
the attendants seized Him and bound His hands, as Man;
and He healed the ear that Simon cut off, as God.
He stood in the place of judgement and bore insult, as Man;
and He declared that He is about to come in glory, as God.
He bore His Cross upon His shoulder, as Man;
and He revealed and announced the destruction of Zion, as God.
He was hanged upon the wood and endured the passion, as Man;
and He shook the earth and darkened the sun, as God.
Nails were driven into His body, as Man;
and He opened the graves and quickened the dead, as God.
He cried out upon the Cross 'My God, My God,' as Man;
and promised Paradise to the thief, as God.
His side was pierced with a spear, as Man;
and His nod rent the temple veil, as God.
They embalmed His body and He was buried in the earth, as Man;
and He raised up His temple by His mighty power, as God.
He remained in the tomb three days, as Man;
and the watchers glorified Him with their praises, as God.
He said that He had received all authority, as Man;
and He promised to be with us for ever, as God.
He commanded Thomas to feel His side, as Man;
and He gave them the Spirit for an earnest, as God.
He ate and drank after His resurrection, as Man;
and He ascended to the height and sent the Spirit, as God.