2014 Beckman Scholars Program

Research Scholarship 


The UO Chemistry Department will be awarding prestigious Beckman Research Scholarships to qualifying undergraduate research students

Information about the Beckman Foundation and the famous physical chemist and inventor Arnold Beckman can be found here.

Applications are due to the Chemistry Office (91 Klamath Hall) by Friday, April 25th, 2014 at 5:00 pm. 

The application form can be found here.


$6000 earned each summer, $4000 for the academic year plus $850 summer travel funding/supplies funding and $1,600 academic year travel funding/supplies funding = $19,300 total scholarship. You will attend and present your research at the annual Beckman Scholars meeting in Irvine, California.


To apply you must be enrolled full-time in the University of Oregon, maintain a 3.7 GPA or higher, and be a sophomore or junior able to work continuously the summer of 2014 (full time), academic year 2014-15 (part time), through the summer of 2015 (full time) in one of the research labs listed below under Faculty Mentors. The Beckman Scholar Award applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.

Strong preference will be given to students who aim to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemistry or a related field and show potential to be future leaders.

Application Components:

            • Application Cover Sheet 

 • Unofficial Transcript

            • 1 page statement of proposed independent research project

            • 1 page statement of career goals and experiences


Finalists will be interviewed by the Beckman Scholars Board. Finalists should be prepared to discuss their proposed research and background during the interview.


Faculty Mentors (follow links for more information):

Shannon Boettcher

George Nazin

Mike Pluth

David Johnson

Michael Haley

Darren Johnson

Mark Lonergan

David Tyler

Cathy Page

Andy Marcus