
Campus Planning Committee Annual Report



Name                                  Department

Carole Daly, chair                     Development

G.Z. Brown                                 Architecture                  

James George                             Student

Bryn Hammond Anderson    Student                    

Garry Fritz                                  Facilities Services (ex-officio)                              

Dave Heeke                                Athletics

Marshall Kirkpatrick               Student

Bethany Larson                         Student

Richard Linton                          V. President for Research (ex-officio)

Gregg Lobisser                           Student Affairs (ex-officio)

Chris Loschiavo                        Student Affairs

Eugene Luks                              Computer Science 

Gordon Melby                           Housing

Stephen Owen                           Music

Steve Pickett                              Disability Services (ex-officio)

Chris Ramey                              University Planning (ex-officio)

Michael Stamm                        English (Classified representative)                                      

Gary Seitz                                   Arts and Sciences (ex-officio)                              

Greg Stripp                                 Advancement (ex-officio)

Christine Theodoropolus       Architecture and Allied Arts (ex-officio)

Rodrigo Moreno Villamar     Student                    



Christine Thompson         University Planning (cthomps@uoregon.edu, x5572)




Since fall 2003, the Campus Planning Committee (CPC) and its two subcommittees have held 20 meetings and forwarded 23 recommendations to Administration.  Campus Planning Committee meetings were well attended during this past year.  CPC members also served on numerous project user groups.  Staff continues to educate the committee about its role in the campus development process and to provide relevant background materials to enable well-informed decisions about complex issues.  The committee was particularly active reviewing complex projects such as the Living Learning Center and the Heart of Campus.



Summary of Action Taken:


10/29/03  CPC       Agenda:      Orientation

Action:      No formal action.

Approved:      NA

Status:       Information will be considered at future meetings.



11/19/03  CPC      Agenda:       Arena Project - CPC role in the design process

Action:       The committee agreed unanimously to direct the CPC chair, with staff assistance, to prepare a response to the president's memo about the CPC's role in the arena design process.  The response will address the key issues identified by the committee including:

1.   SEED compliance,

2.   LRCDP compliance (and transmitting relevant information),

3.   integrating the relocation of facilities into the project timeline,

4.     effective opportunities for CPC and public input, and

5.     open house facilitation.

Approved:      NA

Status:       The memo was sent to president.



12/9/03    CPC       Agenda:      Development Policy for the East Campus Area - Update

Action:      Staff provided an update.

Approved:      NA

Status:       NA


                                 Agenda:      User Groups - Update

Action:      CPC members provided updates.

Approved:      NA

Status:       NA


                                Agenda:       Living Learning Center  - Preliminary Comments

Action:       No formal action was required.  The committee will forward its comments noted in the meeting record to those involved in the project's design.

Approved:      NA

Status:       The information was forwarded.  Refer to 1/29/04 meeting.



1/23/04    DR        Agenda:       Secure Bicycle Parking for the Lillis/Computing Center/McKenzie Area – Permanent Siting and Schematic Design

Action:       The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the existing [bike locker] plaza location at the northeast corner of the Computing Center is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   The lockers shall be installed in a manner that makes them immediately usable.

2.   A comprehensive review of the Computing Center/McKenzie Hall plaza, including a complete assessment of existing bike parking, shall be conducted to determine the precise permanent locker location and to identify ways to enhance the area as an entrance to the university.  This study may result in retaining the current locker location or moving them elsewhere.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


Agenda:      Campus Outdoor Lighting Plan - Part Two

   Action:      No formal action was requested. 

                        Approved:      NA

Status:       The subcommittee's comments will be forwarded to appropriate Facilities Services staff.



1/29/04    CPC       Agenda:      Living Learning Center: LRCDP Amendment - Public Hearing

Action:      The committee recommended approval of the first proposed LRCDP amendment to the president, which reads as follows:  "Amend Table 1 on page 17 by raising the maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for Analytical Area 41 (Carson, Walton, Straub, and Earl Halls) from .800 to .970."

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       Refer to 2/5/04


                                 Agenda:      Living Learning Center  - Schematic Design

Action:      Refer to 2/5/04

Approved:      NA

Status:       Refer to 2/5/04



2/5/04 CPC            Agenda:      Dads' Gates - Nominations to the National Register of Historic


Action:      The committee agreed unanimously to forward comments about the proposed Dads' Gates nomination contained in the meeting mailing to the president.

Approved:      NA

Status:       The comments were forwarded.


Agenda:      Living Learning Center  - Schematic Design

Action:      The committee agreed, with thirteen in favor, one opposed, and one abstention, that the proposed Living Learning Center schematic design is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Revise the main entrances' designs to ensure they are well defined and prominent.  Explore the use of architectural and landscape elements.

2.   Revise the proposed tree plan and canopy in the EMU Promenade to ensure adequate open, sunny spaces are provided.

3.     Revise the stair-tower design to soften the harsh, industrial appearance.  In particular remove the roof extensions if at all possible.

4.     Replace all or some of the existing basketball hoops on or off site.

5.     Complete the schematic design for bike parking.

6.     Complete the auto-parking plan.

7.     Replace the tennis courts and prepare a schematic design.

All of the required conditions will be presented to the CPC for review.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.  Refer to 6/9/04.


                                 Agenda:      Living Learning Center: LRCDP Amendment - Review

Action:      Refer to 2/19/04 meeting.

Approved:      NA

Status:       Refer to 2/19/04 meeting.



2/05/04    DR        Agenda:       Memorial Quadrangle Yellow Metal Sculpture by Duane Loppnow - Relocation

Action:       The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed sculpture location--north of the Museum of Art on the eastern portion of the berm--is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.  This recommendation is given with the understanding that the project's landscape architect will determine the exact sculpture siting.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.



2/19/04    CPC      Agenda:       Living Learning Center: LRCDP Amendment - Review

Action:       The committee agreed unanimously to recommend approval of the following proposed LRCDP amendment 2a to the president:

Amend Analytical Areas 41 and 42 Level 2 Policies and Standards text on pages 25 and 26 read as follows (proposed text is underlined):


(2a.) Areas 41 and 42

These areas are devoted exclusively to residential halls and related activity and open spaces with the exception of Straub Hall.  Minor adjustments in footprint and gross floor area are possible, but for all practical purposes, both areas are considered fully developed. 


The committee agreed, with five in favor, three opposed, and one abstention, to recommend the following LRCDP amendment 2b to the president:

Amend Analytical Areas 41 and 42 Level 2 Policies and Standards text on pages 25 and 26 read as follows:


(2b.)  1.  Existing recreation spaces, both active and passive, located in these areas are essential elements in the residence hall program and are to be preserved and, wherever possible, enhanced. 


The committee did not agree, with three in favor, five opposed, and one abstention, to endorse a letter about the Living Learning Center planning process from the CPC to the president.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed.



2/25/04           DR  Agenda:      Huestis Bike Cage  – Schematic Design Expansion

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed expansion of the previously approved Huestis bike-cage design is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Expand the bike cage size to accommodate the four center bays (not three) on the west side of Huestis.

2.   Provide a door on both the north and south cage ends.

3.   Match the previously agreed upon cage design (refer to the DR Subcommittee February 4, 2003 meeting record).

4.     Install motion-sensor lighting fixtures that are hidden from view and minimize glare.

5.     Install appropriate landscaping at the cage's south end to mitigate views from 13th Avenue in consultation with Facilities Services staff.

Approved:      DAW 

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


Agenda:      EMU Amphitheater Plaque Proposal

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the design of the proposed EMU Amphitheater Plaque Proposal is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.

Approved:      DAW 

Status:       The project will proceed.



3/08/04     CPC      Agenda:      Campus Heart Project, Phase 1:  Turn Arounds/EMU Parking

Expansion/Intersection Schematic Design

Action:       The committee agreed that the proposed schematic design for Campus Heart Project, Phase One (excluding the intersection design) is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Revisit the bike-ramp design to determine if it should be revised or eliminated.

2.   Research and integrate sustainable concepts into the design, in particular the use of sustainable materials (alternative paving options) and stormwater management, as described in the Sustainable Development Plan.

3.   Revise the intersection design, with student input and consideration for the kiosk design, and bring it back for Design Review Subcommittee review at the beginning of spring term (1st or 2nd week).   Address the following issues:

a. Research and integrate sustainable concepts into the design, in particular the use of sustainable materials (alternative paving options) and stormwater management, as described in the Sustainable Development Plan.

b. Provide safe and effective access for pedestrians with mobility and vision impairments.        

c.  Create a design that emphasizes the pedestrian and the concept of an "outdoor room."

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


Agenda:      Campus Outdoor Lighting Plan, Part Two

Action:      The committee agreed that the Campus Outdoor Lighting Plan, Part Two is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The plan will take effect.



4/05/04  DR           Agenda:      Campus Heart Project, Phase I: Intersection Schematic Design

- Revised

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed revised Campus Heart intersection design is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Research design options to more clearly define travel routes for night and weekend vehicular traffic through the plaza area.  Integrate solutions into the design.

2.   Ensure that the design does not preclude future 13th Avenue improvements to the east.

3.   Encourage opportunities to use the planters to filter water prior to entering the drains. 

4.     Encourage using a more permeable paving alternative to unit pavers in the plaza area.

5.     Encourage planting trees in the planters to help define the plaza.

6.     Research the possibility of lowering the new plaza to the same level as Columbia Hall's recessed entrance level to eliminate the need for the existing stairs.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.



5/03/04        DR       Agenda:    ASUO EMU Display Case - Schematic Design

Action:    The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the ASUO Display Case is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.     Consider a larger case size similar in scale to the map stations.

2.     Work with Tim King, Facilities Services, to determine the exact case placement on the retaining wall.

3.     If possible, provide an internal lighting system (similar to the Onyx Street map station) with underground wiring.

This recommendation for approval is made with the understanding that this project is also subject to EMU Board approval.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


                                   Agenda:    Campus Heart:  Kiosk Area - Schematic Design

Action:    The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the Campus Heart Kiosk Area is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Reduce the number of posting poles to the two on the north side of the Campus Heart adjacent to the kiosk.

2.   Increase the drainage capacity of the catchment pools if it is possible to do so without damaging tree roots.

3.   Research and consider options for internal kiosk lighting.  Confirm that the kiosk will not create a dark area leading to safety concerns.

4.     Include necessary campus-standard trashcans and cigarette receptacles in the project to ensure necessary service functions are accommodated, but do not detract from the overall design.  Also, relocate the existing newspaper and recycling bins to an appropriate location.

5.     Review the proposed backless seating for the Friendly Hall seating area. The campus-standard bench design may be more appropriate.

6.     Properly relocate the existing emergency call box so that it meets safety needs but does not interfere with pedestrian flow.

7.     Further clarify vehicular routes into the Friendly Hall parking lot while retaining the pedestrian character (e.g., by installing additional bollards, fixing signage, or using other design elements).

Note:  The following conditions may extend beyond the Kiosk Area project scope, but are part of the larger Campus Heart project.

8.   Identify locations for future campus-standard lamp poles in the Campus Heart area, and install conduit in preparation for future poles when funding becomes available.  If possible, replace existing Cobra streetlights with campus standard poles as part of the Campus Heart project.

9.   Identify a future map-station location within the Campus Heart project.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.



5/05/04        DPIT  Agenda:      Living Learning Center - Bike Path Proposal

Action:      The committee agreed unanimously that the proposed bike path is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following condition:

1.   Ensure that there is adequate space for pedestrians, bikes, and service/delivery vehicles along the portion of the path between Walton Hall and the new Living Learning Center.

Approved:      DAW                                  

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


Agenda:      East Campus Framework Study – Preliminary Discussion

Action:      No formal action was taken.  The subcommittee provided informal comments to the study's consultants.

Approved:      NA                                      

Status:       The project will proceed taking the comments into consideration.





6/09/04    CPC       Agenda:      Living Learning Center  - Schematic Design

Action:      The committee agreed, with nine in favor and one abstention, that the revised Living Learning Center schematic design is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Continue to research and identify options to add more basketball hoops.

2.   Continue to explore and determine the best seating design solution for the west entry courtyard design.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.


                                 Agenda:      15th Avenue Auto Parking Plan

Action:      The committee unanimously agreed that the proposed 15th Avenue Parking Plan schematic design is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Study the lighting needs along 15th Avenue and install lighting to meet the requirements of a designated Outdoor Lighting Walkway.

2.   Conduct a modest review of multiple-use possibilities in the near vicinity (e.g., using parking areas for recreational needs during low-use times).

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.



7/01/04     CPC       Agenda:      Long Range Campus Development Plan Update - Initial Announcement

                                   Action:      No formal action was taken.  Informational item

Approved:      NA

Status:       Refer to the 7/15/04 DPIT Subcommittee meeting.


                                 Agenda:      Hayward Plaza - Schematic Design

Action:      The committee unanimously agreed that the proposed schematic design for the Hayward Plaza is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1    Add lighting to the interior area as necessary to address safety concerns.

2.   Refine the proposed graphics/sign design and the gateway elements and show how they work together as a comprehensive design.

All of the conditions will be presented to the CPC or subcommittee for review.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.  Refer to the 8/10/04 CPC meeting.


                                 Agenda:      Hayward Field Facilities Building - Schematic Design

Action:      The committee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the Hayward Field Facilities Building is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed.



7/15/04     DR          Agenda:      Hand Rails for the Knight Library Memorial Quad Entrances - Schematic Design

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the hand rails at the Knight Library Memorial Quad Entrances is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

Install rails at both the upper and lower sets of stairs, equaling a total of four rails.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the condition into consideration.


                                   Agenda:      Pioneer Cemetery Fencing - Schematic Design

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for phases one and two of the Pioneer Cemetery fencing is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed.


                                   Agenda:      Hayward Field Fencing - Schematic Design

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the Hayward fencing is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed.



7/21/04     DPIT      Agenda:      Long Range Campus Development Plan Update - Initial Discussion

                                    Action:      No formal action was taken.  Initial discussion about the proposed scope of and process for the LRCDP update.

Approved:      NA

Status:       Comments will be considered as the project proceeds.


Agenda:    East Campus Framework Study – Review and Comment

Action:    No formal action was taken.  The subcommittee provided comment.

Approved:      NA                                      

Status:       The project will proceed taking the comments into consideration.



7/22/04         CPC      Agenda:      University Health and Counseling Center Expansion and

Alterations - Schematic Design

Action:      No formal action was taken. The committee's comments will be forwarded to the UHCC user group and architect.

Approved:      NA

Status:       The committee's comments will be addressed.  Refer to 8/10/04 CPC meeting.


8/10/04           CPC    Agenda:      Hayward Plaza - Schematic Design Follow-up

Action:      The committee unanimously agreed that the revised schematic design for the Hayward Plaza is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following condition:

Review the foot-candles resulting from the proposed lighting design with Facilities Services to ensure that safety concerns are addressed yet unnecessary over-lighting will not occur.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the condition into consideration.


Agenda:      University Health and Counseling Center Expansion and

Alterations - Schematic Design Follow-up

Action:      The committee agreed, with one abstention, that the revised schematic design for the University Health and Counseling Center Expansion and Alterations Project is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Work with the campus Physical Access Committee to determine the optimal north entrance access design for disabled individuals and then explore options to achieve this goal.  If changes are proposed, present the revised design to the CPC or Design Review Subcommittee for review.

2.   Work with Facilities Services to ensure adequate service access into the courtyards.

3.   Explore the possibility of strengthening the south entry by creating a larger recessed entry.

4.   Enhance the south entry with a more active south-facing open space through the basketball hoops configuration and/or landscaping.  Present the design to the CPC or Design Review Subcommittee for review.

Note: The covered bike parking structure design also will be presented to the CPC or Design Review Subcommittee when it is completed.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.



10/04/04   DR          Agenda:      EMU Craft Center Outdoor Storage Shelter and Landscaping - Schematic Design

Action:      The subcommittee agreed unanimously that the proposed schematic design for the EMU Craft Center outdoor storage shelter and landscaping is consistent with the Long Range Campus Development Plan and recommended to the president that it be approved subject to the following conditions:

1.   Research design alternatives that treat the roof as an integral design feature; for example, consider altering the roof slope to relate to nearby roofs and clipping the east roofline to match the angle on the west side. 

2.   Address safety concerns about roof access by reducing the south roof overhang to the minimum required, eliminating all gutters, and carefully considering planting options to deter climbing.

3.   Reduce some or all of the proposed landscaping to ensure a visual connection into the courtyard to address safety concerns.  In addition, consider removing the existing pine tree in consultation with Facilities Services. 

4.   Ensure that all outdoor lighting is shielded and does not produce any glare beyond the courtyard.

5.   Select a roof color that responds to nearby examples.

6.   Match brick for the freestanding firewall to the EMU's brick if at all possible.

Approved:      DAW

Status:       The project will proceed taking the conditions into consideration.