Assistant Associate Full Total
1999-2000 84.4 81.4 78.3 80.7
2000-2001 88.6 85.2 80.2 83.6
2001-2002 90.5 86.4 81.4 85.0
2002-2003 85.0 85.3 80.4 82.9
2003-2004 85.9 83.2 79.3 82.0
1. University of Oregon's peer institutions include University of Michigan, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Virginia, University of Iowa, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Indiana University at Bloomington, University of Colorado at Boulder, and University of Washington.
2. The compensation figures are based data collected by AAUP in the Fall of 2003 and reported in Academe (April 2004).
3. Between 2002 and 2003, the rate of inflation for the Portland-Salem area was 1.36% (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
Source: UO Office of Resource Management.