MEMO TO: Senate President Andrew Marcus
MEMO FROM: Peter B Gilkey (chair)
MEMO RE: Final report of the Ad Hoc University Senate Committee to Address HB2823
DATE: 20 May 2007

Dear Andrew.

The Ad Hoc University Senate Committee to Address HB2823 met once in person. We communicated subsequently via email to help with the drafting of US06/07-15 which was passed by the Senate Wednesday 9 March 2007. I have recommended that the committee be disbanded since the task of the committee is complete.

Committee Membership: Peter B. Gilkey (Committee Chair), Heather Briston (University Archivist), Kenneth Calhoon (Chair, Academic Requirements Committee), Herbert R. Chereck (University Registrar), Dave Hubin (Chair, Distinguished Service Awards Committee), Charles Martinez (Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity), Ronald N Severson (Chair, Undergraduate Council), Kyra C Hayashi (Student Member); ex officio Andrew Marcus (Senate President), Linda Brady (Provost) Related documents:

Further work in this regard is now assigned by the UO Senate to the Distinguished Service Award Committee. The DSA is to implement HB 2823 (2007), which grants the University of Oregon authority to award an honorary degree to a person who was a student at the University of Oregon in 1942 and who was ordered to an internment camp, as follows. The DSA is to seek and screen requests for degrees, ask for more information about the person(s) in question, and investigate, to its satisfaction, that the person(s) meet the criteria of HB 282 and to judge each request and to determine whether it is appropriate to forward the person's name to the University Senate for consideration.

Respectfully submitted

Peter B Gilkey Chair Ad Hoc University Senate Committee to Address HB2823

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