Subject: Committee report by the FGAC
From: Peter Gilkey
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:39:53 -0700

Dear Gordon, Paul, and Gwen.

Faculty legislation mandates that the chairs of all University Committees that report to the Senate make at least one annual report every year. I had the high honor and privilege to act as CONVENOR of the FGAC (Faculty Grievance Appeal Committee) during 2007/8. This committee is mandated by OAR-571-003 and meets only when needed. This email will serve as our annual report.

There were no appeals filed with the FGAC and thus the FGAC did not meet.

Let me close by noting, as the chair or convenor of the FGAC ALWAYS does, that the election procedures concerning the FGAC are mandated by OAR-571-003 which has the force of law. And that the University of Oregon does not follow those election procedures. And that eventually that is going to get us into trouble. It is recommend therefore that either the OAR's be amended, or our election procedures be amended. Given past practice, the convenor expects no action in this regard.

Since the committee did not meet this year, I will act as convenor as needed next year as well.

I respectfully request that this report be posted on the Senate Web Pages.

Respectfully submitted

Peter B Gilkey Convenor of the FGAC 2007/8

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