Motion US07/08-2 (revised as of 1-7-08) - to convene the University Assembly with full legislative power by majority vote of the University Senate

Sponsored by: Frank Stahl, emeritus biology
For senate action: January 9, 2008

Moved to,

Amend Section 6.6 of the Enabling Legislation of May 3-17, 1995 as follows (new words in bold):

6.6 The University Assembly, with full legislative power, shall be convened by an affirmative vote of the University Senate or after a petition to so convene has been signed by 33 % of those eligible to vote for non student senators, as provided by other sections in this legislation. Assembly meetings called by the Senate shall be held in accordance with section 6.6, as amended.

Fiscal Impact Statement: None
Legislative History:
  1. See US078-2a.html for a version presented to the UO Senate in November 2007.
  2. Passed at the 9 January 2008 UO Senate meeting.
    Repealed by Us07/08-16 at the 13 February 2008 meeting of the UO Senate.

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