• This committee is created in Senate Legislation US00/01-6. The old charge to the Environmental Issues Committee is:
  • The Environmental Issues Committee shall be responsible for the following:
  • In April of 2007, the Committee on Committees approved a new charge:
  • The Environmental Issues Committee shall:
  • 1) Consider, analyze and report, in the form of advisories or recommendations on environmental issues that affect the quality of life and health of the University community, as well as on those issues about which the University should act as an educational resource. These reports shall include a financial impact statement for each recommendation as well as an informative, impartial summary of the topic that outlines its effects, the issues discussed at committee meetings, and any relevant background information.;
  • 2) Recommend development of rules or policies directly related to environmental issues affecting quality of lifeand health to be adopted by the University administration and/or University Senate on behalf of the University community. Such recommendations shall include a financial impact statement for each recommendation as well as an informative, impartial summary of the topic that outlines its effects, the issues discussed at committee meetings, and any relevant background information;
  • 3) Recommend, facilitate and/or implement educational programs, training sessions, forums or workshops on environmental issues which could be offered to members of the University community and/or the general public;
  • 4) Recommend ways to inform the University community about environmental issues;
  • 5) Promote research on environmental issues affecting the University community.

  • Further information:
  • President Frohnmayer recently signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, committing the University of Oregon to a broad effort by the nation's higher education institutions to address global warming by neutralizing their greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating research and educational efforts to equip society to re-stabilize the earth's climate. This commitment will be one relevant principle in guiding the committeeÕs discussions and recommendations.
  • The Office of Environmental Health and Safety provides the staffing for this committee.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the Environmental Issues Committee consists of: 3 faculty; 3 students who represent a cross-section of students with environmental interests; 2 Officers of Administration; 2 classified staff members; and 1 designee of the Vice President for Finance and Administration (Director of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety). 1 designee of the Office of University Planning Other persons with professional expertise may be invited to attend meetings on an Òas-neededÓ basis to provide information to the committee.
  • REPORTING: The Environmental Issues Committee is responsible to the University Administration as an advisor to the Vice President for Finance and Administration. In addition this committee also reports to the University Senate through, at a minimum, an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the final University Senate meeting in May. The committee may also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate.
  • Revised: 04/07 Previous editions: 3/91, 12/94, 1/99, 3/01, 11/03 
  • Web page spun on 11 October 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises