Report by the UO Senate President to the UO Senate 13 January 2010


US09/10-10 Senate Working Group to implement US08/9-8

The UO Senate passed a motion (US08/9-8) stating The University Senate respectfully requests the University of Oregon Administration to establish a publicly accessible, on-line budget reporting system at the University of Oregon by 15 November 2009 that will allow users to track current and retroactive individual university expenditures as is currently done at our sister institution Oregon State University on their budget reporting website ( ".

At the 11 November 2008 UO Senate meeting, Frances Dyke reported "The tool you will be able to access starting next Monday is the initial roll out of a financial reporting tool for compliance with the university Senate motion on financial transparency. In the course of discussions related to development the work group has identified impediments to our ability to provide transactional level detail in a publicly available financial reporting tool. There are issues of both security and legally binding confidentiality that must be balanced against the desire for full transparency. As mentioned at the October Senate meeting I am now asking the Senate President to appoint an advisory group to help analyze these problems and find solutions that can be legally and operationally implemented. In making this request I also recommend that the Senate President consider creating this advisory group by drawing on membership of the Senate Budget Committee and other members of the Senate or university community who have a particular interest or expertise in financial management reporting."

The Senate President is directed to consult widely and to appoint the advisory group recommended above.

The following people will comprise this committee

1.     Bill Harbaugh (Economics)

2.     Carla McNelly (Office of Multicultural Academic Success)

3.     Roberta Mann (Law School)

4.     Nathan Tublitz (Biology-chair)

5.     Kelly Wolf (Business Affairs Office)

Respectfully submitted


Peter B Gilkey

UO Senate President 2009/10