Subject: US09/10-7
From: Peter Gilkey
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:26:11

Dear Senate Rules Committee:

I am attaching to this email a PDF file I received earlier this morning from the Office of the General Counsel since the memo is "Re Fiscal Impact of Public Records Requests for US09/10-7" and since US09/10-7 is currently before the Senate Rules Committee. I shall be transmitting this memo to Bill Harbaugh and to the entire Senate membership a bit later today, but I wanted you to have an advance copy.

As always, I am grateful for your efforts in this regard. The SRC is essential for the smooth functioning of the UO Senate.

PBG Download: MemorandumFinancialImpactUS0910-7Motion.pdf application/pdf (50.9 KB)

Subject: US09/10-7
From: Peter Gilkey
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:57:42
Dear Fellow Members of the UO Senate

I have received a memo " Fiscal Impact of Public Records Requests for US09/10-7 Motion" from the Office of the General Counsel. I am forwarding it on to you all as a FYI as we will be taking up Motion US09/10-7 at the 2 December UO Senate Meeting. In brief, US09/10-7 is a " MOTION TO INCREASE OPENNESS, TRANSPARENCY AND SHARED GOVERNANCE BY IMPROVING FACULTY ACCESS TO INFORMATION" and is sponsored by Professor W. Harbaugh, Department of Economics. Further details on this motion are available on the web

Respectfully submitted

Peter B Gilkey
President 2009/10 UO Senate

Download: MemorandumFinancialImpactUS0910-7Motion.pdf application/pdf (50.9 KB)

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