Senate Rules Committee

6.2 Senate Rules Committee: The University Senate Rules Committee shall consist of three persons appointed by the Senate President. The Rules Committee is charged to negotiate with the sponsors of motions/resolutions, in advance of the appropriate Senate meetings, to clarify and/or to propose editorial changes in notices of motions sent to the Committee by the Senate President.

6.2.1 The Rules Committee is not required to report on every proposed motion, but rather acts at the request of the Senate President. The Rules Committee chair shall contact the sponsor(s) of the motion to arrange discussion of possible changes to a motion. The intent of the motion shall not be altered or changed by the Rules Committee. Any conflicts in word usage, meaning, purpose or structure should be remedied prior to the Senate meeting at which the motion will be acted upon formally. The Rules Committee chair shall assure that the maker of the motion has provided a valid Fiscal Impact Statement prior to formal introduction of the motion. (See "Fiscal Impact Statement" in Article V) The Rules Committee chair shall report the Committee's changes in wording or procedure to the sponsor(s), whether or not they are accepted by the sponsor(s). Only the Rules Committee form of the motion shall be introduced for Senate consideration.

The members for 2009/10 are:

  1. 6-30-2009

Web page spun on 7 July 2009 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises