Math 342 Tentative Syllabus - Spring 2012

Instructor: Professor Marie A. Vitulli

Office: 315 Fenton


Lectures: MWF 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. in Anstett 191

Phone: (541)-346-5633

Office Hours: M 2:30 - 3:30, Tu 1:00-2:30, W 11:00 - 11:50

Textbook: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition, by David C. Lay (or Custom Edition for the University of Oregon or the Custom Edition for SUNY Buffalo). I urge you to familiarize yourself with the website for the text. Beware that if you buy 3rd Edition of the text, the exercises won't match up with the exercises found in the 4th edition, which is identical to the custom edition, except the custom edition is paperback rather than hardcover. You will be responsible for getting the correct version of all assigned problems.

Prerequisites/Course Content: The prerequisite for this course is Math 341 or the instructor’s consent. Unless you have spoken with me privately, I will assume you have had a year sequence of calculus at the university level as well as Math 341 (Chapters 1 - 4 in Lay). In Math 342 we study the following topics: change of basis and coordinates, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonality and least squares. We will also cover many applications of these topics.

Expectations: I expect that you will attend lectures and actively participate. You must read the text with a pencil and paper nearby and figure out the answers to the questions posed in the text as well as convince yourself of the veracity of the author's assertions. You must learn the definitions so well that you can repeat them virtually verbatim. Mathematics courses are like language courses: you must prepare between class meetings to avoid falling behind. I expect you to work on the homework problems as we cover the material in class.

Exams/Homework: I will assign homework problems each week; check the course website on Blackboard for updates. Late homework WILL NOT be accepted; I will drop the lowest homework score. It is essential that you do the homework; you can work with others but you must write up the solutions yourself. There will be 2 in-class exams and a final exam. Make-ups for the exams will be given only if you have my PRIOR CONSENT at least 48 hours in advance and the circumstances are extraordinary. On the exams many of the problems will be based on the homework problems. When writing explanations, make sure you write complete sentences that follow the usual rules of grammar. You should check the Blackboard web site for solutions to the homework and exams, exam reviews,and other updated course information.

Course Grade: I will tentatively determine your course grade by the following weights:
Homework: 20%
Exam 1: 25%
Exam 2: 25%
Final: 30%

Technology: I expect you to be able to carry out matrix calculations by hand so as to gain a solid understanding of what these calculations entail. You may use technology (graphing calculators, Mathematica, etc.) on your homework problems unless you are explicitly told not to. You will be allowed to use graphing calculators on your exams, but you will have to show all intermediate steps for credit. See manuals/guide books on websites below.

Important Dates

April 9th [M]
Last day to: drop a class without a mark of ‘W’ recorded
April 11th [W]
Last day to: add a class; change from audit to credit or credit to audit
April 25th [W]
Math 342 Exam 1 at 10:00 a.m.
May 18th [F]
Math 342 Exam 2 at 10:00 a.m.
May 20th [Su]
Last day to: drop a class with a mark of ‘W’ recorded; change grade options; change variable credits
May 28th [M]
Memorial Day holiday; No classes
June 11th [M]
Math 342 Final Exam at 10:15 a.m.

Classroom Behavior:
Academic Dishonesty: The university has detailed guidelines covering various forms of academic dishonesty including plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, and academic misconduct. This information can be online at academic dishonesty. You may work with fellow students on your homework assignments but I expect that what you turn in or complete online is your own work in your own words. I expect that you won’t consult anyone else’s paper on exams. I will hold you responsible for academic dishonesty if you don’t follow both my and university guidelines.

Tentative Schedule

Apr 2 - 6
Apr 9 - 13
HW #1 due
Apr 16 - 20
HW #2 due
Apr 23 - 27
HW #3 due
Exam 1
Apr 30 - May 4
HW #4 due
May 7 - 11

HW #5 due
May 14 - 18
HW #6 due
Exam 2
May 21 - 25

HW #7
May 28 - Jun 1
Memorial Day
No Classes

HW #8 due
Jun 4 - 8

HW #9 due
Jun 11 - 15
Math 342 Final
10:15 a.m.