Atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn

Vertical Structure

The heat flow drives motions in the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn. Material heated deep in the atmosphere heats ---> it becomes less dense and so rises (carrying heat upward). It cools as it rises ---> it becomes denser and eventually reaches a point where it will start to sink. It then returns to the deeper layers where it is heated and again starts to rise. As in the interior of the Earth, this leads to large scale motions in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The warmer rising stuff is light in color while the cooler sinking stuff is brownish in color.

Because different latitudes on Jupiter and Saturn are heated by different amounts, latitudinal motions are driven. The equator is warmer than the poles which tends to drive the circulation from equator poleward.

If the effects of rotation were negligible, we would simply have this up and down (more or less vertical) motion and motion straight toward the poles. However, rotation is not negligible and the motion becomes more complicated. To understand what can happen, consider something known as angular momentum.


Earth: Hadley Cells

So, on Jupiter and Saturn, we find that the hottest material near the equator of the planets is forced to flow toward the poles. The hot flows moving poleward forces some of the cooler material to circulate downward toward the equator. Now recalling the Coriolis force, we note that the poleward moving material deflects in the eastward direction while the equatorward moving material deflects in the westward direction. The preceding effects produce the horizontal stripes which run parallel to the equator on Jupiter and Saturn. A similar thing happens on the Earth where we get eastward winds and westward winds at different latitudes (see right panel).

Let's return to the Great Red Spot

Imagine that there is a low pressure region in the atmosphere. Because of the low pressure, some atmosphere is forced to flow into the low pressure region. What happens? The picture to right shows what happens in the northern hemisphere of a planet which spins in the CCW-sense as viewed from the North.


Northern hemisphere, low-pressure storm


In the northern hemisphere, the air circulates in the CCW sense as it flows into a low pressure region. In the southern hemisphere the air circulate in the CW sense as it flows into the low pressure region. If we have a high pressure region, the opposite occurs. In the northern hemisphere, the air circulates in the CW sense and in the southern hemisphere it circulates in the CCW sense.

The Great Red Spot is in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter and the air circulates in it in the CCW sense with a period of ~ 6 days (Is the Great Red Spot a high-pressure or low-pressure region). It is huge, with present dimensions 15,000 mi x 9,000 mi which is bigger than the Earth ( diameter ~ 8,000 mi). The Great Red Spot may thus be similar to Terrestrial storms (hurricanes) although its nature is not clearly understood.

In addition to the Great Red Spot, there are also other storm-like structures on the Jovian planets:

White Ovals and Brown Ovals

Brown Ovals: They tend to appear around latitude = 20o N

Red Cloud on Saturn

There is also a Great Dark Spot on Neptune