The Masses of the Sun and Stars

    The most reliable way in which to determine the masses of celestial objects is to study objects which are in binary systems. For example, the mass of the Sun can be determined by studying the motion of the Earth about the Sun; the Earth does not fall into the Sun because of its orbital motion. The gravitational pull of the Sun is counteracted by the centrifugal force generated by the orbital motion of the Earth. The stronger the pull of gravity, the faster the Earth must move in order to keep from falling into the Sun. This is illustrated by the figure to the right (modeled after one found in Newton's Principia). Imagine a cannon fired from a mountaintop. As the cannonball moves around the Earth, the Earth pulls it downward. However, as it falls downward, the ground, simultaneously, falls away from it. If the cannonball falls at the same rate as the ground falls away, then the cannonball never hits the ground and the cannonball orbits the Earth.

    See an illustration of this using the applet on the UCLA astronomy site Newton's cannon.

    To get a feel for how this works, play with the planetary orbital simulator provided by the University of Colorado, Phet simulator
