Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 12:19:26 +0700 From: Nicolas Addington Subject: supplemental One more thing: I promised Ilan I'd send an email about the pairing Ext^i(L,M) tensor Ext^j(M,N) -> Ext^{i+j}(L,N) which extends the usual composition Hom(L,M) tensor Hom(M,N) -> Hom(L,N) that sends f tensor g to g \circ f. So here it is. ----- You can check that in general, if C^* and D^* are two complexes, then there's a natural Künneth map from H^i(C^*) tensor H^j(D^*) to H^{i+j} of the total complex of the double complex C^* tensor D^*. Take a projective resolution ... -> P^{-1} -> P^0 -> L -> 0 and an injective resolution 0 -> N -> I^0 -> I^1 -> ... Then Hom(P^*,M) is a complex whose cohomology is Ext^*(L,M), and Hom(M,I^*) is a complex whose cohomology is Ext^*(M,L), so we get a Künneth map from Ext^i(L,M) tensor Ext^j(M,N) to H^{i+j} of the total complex of the double complex Hom(P^*,M) tensor Hom(M,I^*). Next, there's a composition map from that double complex to Hom(P^*,I^*), and the cohomology of the total complex of the latter is Ext^*(L,M), as we saw in Lecture 25. ----- The algebra Ext^*_R(R/m, R/m), where m is a maximal ideal in R, is often very interesting. If R = k[x_1..x_n] and m = (x_1..x_n) then it's the exterior algebra on n generators. If R = k[x_1..x_n]/quadratic form then it's related to the Clifford algebra. This is the beginning of Koszul duality; Polishchuk and Positselskii's book "Quadratic Algebras" is one place to read.