Ventilation Conundrum


 Data & Results
 Carbon Dioxide Levels

Spot-check CO2 measurements

Room 417 1 occupant 10:00AM 2-17-01

Outside of window:


67 °F

3' inside of window (window open 20")


68 °F

15' inside of window (window open 20")


71 °F

3' inside of window (window closed)


68 °F

15' inside of window (window closed)


72 °F

The natural ventilation rate for Room 417

Using the Ventilation Calculator and the values of:
Window Closed
Outside CO2 Level: 485ppm
Inside CO2 Level: 1100ppm
Occupancy: 1 person

The Natural Ventilation Rate = 17 cfm/person or 17cfm/room with the window closed.

Using the Ventilation Calculator and the values of:
Window Open
Outside CO2 Level: 485ppm
Inside CO2 Level: 770ppm
Occupancy: 1 person

The Natural Ventilation Rate = is 35 cfm/person or 35cfm/room with the window open.

Long term CO2 measurement

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By installing new windows in the residence rooms at the Berkeley YMCA the ventilation rate will fall below the ASHRAE standards.