Abhijeet Melkani

PhD Candidate, Physics
University of Oregon
amelkani [AT] uoregon.edu

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Oregon advised by Prof. Jayson Paulose. My dissertation explores the use of non-Hermitian physics to study soft matter systems.

I have a broad range of interests within theoretical and computational statistical physics/soft condensed matter. My research work (see Publications) has involved the use of

  1. classical-to-quantum mapping (non-Hermitian physics, spectral defects, topological methods);
  2. scaling techniques (such as renormalization); and
  3. techniques from information theory and machine learning.
I am also interested in (4) networks/disordered systems and (5) active/stochastic systems.

I plan to graduate with a doctorate degree by June 2024 and am looking for post-doctoral positions.

Before joining UO, I received an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) in 2019. My research work then was in quantum information/quantum optics.