Exercise 1 – Drawing a Simple Plan

Arch4/510 Basic VectorWorks * Winter 2004 * Brehm


Due before the beginning of class on January 12, 2004 in the "DropAssignmentsHere" folder:


Submitting Exercises

Using VectorWorks draw the following plan. The dimensions are for reference only -- you don’t need to draw them. Once you are satisfied with your work, save the drawing with the filename "<Last Name>-Ex1.mcd" to the location shown above (i.e. If your name is Edwin Lutyens you would call your file "Lutyens-Ex1.mcd").




A couple of suggestions:

  • Set fill pattern in Attributes Palette to "None" before you begin.

  • Use the basic line tool to draw the walls for now. VectorWorks has an excellent wall tool that we will use soon enough. Learning to use the line tool effectively is one of the goals of this exercise.
  • Use the Data Display Bar to draw accurately, to the required dimensions.
  • Don't worry about line weights for now, we'll cover this topic soon.

  • It doesn’t really matter where in the drawing space you draw, but it makes sense to draw within the page outline for now..

  • Use the on-line help if needed.