
  1. Rempel AW, Rempel AR. 2019. Frost resilience of stabilized earth building materials. Geoscience of the Built Environment [special issue] Geosciences 9:328.
  2. Rempel AR, Banks M. 2019. Service learning projects in passive solar heating through the Sustainable City Year Program. Proceedings of the 2019 Reynolds Symposium: Education by Design, Portland OR, October 18-19.
  3. Rempel, AR. 2019. Chapter 11: Passive heating. In: Grondzik, W. and Kwok, A., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 13th Ed., John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Rempel AR, Lim S. 2019. Numerical optimization of integrated passive heating and cooling systems yields simple protocols for building energy decarbonization. Science and Technology of the Built Environment: 1-17.
  5. Rempel AR, Lim S. 2018. Optimal control strategies for passive heating and cooling elements reduce loads by two-thirds in the adaptive reuse of a San Francisco Bay area office. Proceedings of the International Building Physics Conference, Syracuse NY, Sept 23-26, 2018.
  6. Lokko M-L, Rempel AR. 2018. Intrinsic evaporative cooling and natural ventilation for adaptive thermal comfort in tropical buildings. Proceedings of the International Building Physics Conference, Syracuse NY, Sept 23-26, 2018.
  7. Rempel AR, Rempel AW. 2016. Intrinsic evaporative cooling by hygroscopic earth materials. Geoscience of the Built Environment [special issue] Geosciences 6:1-38.
  8. Rempel AR, Rempel AW, Gates KR, Shaw B. 2016. Climate-Responsive Thermal Mass Design for Pacific Northwest Sunspaces. Renewable Energy 85: 981-993.
  9. Lokko M-L, Rowell M, Dyson A, Rempel AR. 2016. Development of Affordable Building Materials Using Agricultural By-Products and Emerging Pith, Soy and Mycelium Biobinders. Proc. Int’l Conf. on Passive & Low-Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, July 11-13.
  10. Rempel AR, Pearson Z, Bertis S, Farnham S, Seipp C, Valcour D, Holmes, O. 2016. Restorative Passive Solar Redesign in Upstate New York. Proc. Int’l Conference on Passive and Low-Energy Architecture (PLEA), Los Angeles, CA, July 11-13.
  11. Phillips K, Rempel AR, Dyson A. 2016. A Solar Thermal Diurnal Cooling Strategy for Net-Zero Energy Buildings. Proc. Int’l Conf. on Passive & Low-Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, July 11-13.
  12. Keena N, Aly M, Rempel AR, Dyson A. 2016. Investigating the Potential of Emergy Analysis. Proc. Int’l Conf. on Passive & Low-Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, July 11-13.
  13. Aly M, Keena N, Diniz N, Rempel AR, Dyson A. 2016. New Parametric Framework Motivating Environmentally Conscious Design. Proc. Int’l Conf. on Passive & Low-Energy Architecture, Los Angeles CA, July 11-13.
  14. Rempel AR, Remington SJ. 2015. Optimization of Passive Cooling Control Thresholds with GenOpt and EnergyPlus. Proc. Symposium on Simulation and Urban Design, Washington DC, April 12-15.
  15. Rempel AR, Rempel AW. 2013. Rocks, clays, water, and salts: Highly durable, infinitely rechargeable, eminently controllable thermal batteries for buildings. Geoscience of the Built Environment [special issue] Geosciences 3:63-101.
  16. Rempel AR, Rempel AW, Cashman K, Page C, Gates K, Shaw B. 2013. Interpretation of passive solar field data with EnergyPlus models: Un-conventional wisdom from four sunspaces in Eugene, Oregon. Building and Environment 60:158-172.
  17. Rempel AR, Rempel AW, Gates K, Shaw B. 2013. Oregon sunspace redesign / build: New priorities for thermal mass. Proc. American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, April 16-20.
  18. Rempel AR, Rempel AW, Cashman K, Page C, Gates K, Shaw B. 2012. Sunspace thermal dynamics in the Pacific Northwest: A field and modeling study. Proc. American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference, Denver CO.
  19. Ahmann D, Durston L. 2008. Hybrid ventilation in the Harm A. Weber Academic Center: A late-summer case study. Journal of Green Building 3:56-73.
  20. McLain J, Ahmann D. 2008. Increased moisture and methanogen activity contribute to reduced net methane oxidation in elevated CO2 soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 623-631.
  21. Nagy L, Meuser J, Plummer S, Seibert M, Ghirardi M, Ahmann D, Posewitz M. 2007. Application of gene-shuffling for the generation of novel [Fe]-hydrogenase libraries. Biotechnology Letters 29:421-30.
  22. Ahmann D, Dorgan R. 2007. Bioengineering for Pollution Prevention through Development of Biobased Energy and Materials: State of the Science Report. US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/R-07/028 and Industrial Biotechnology, 3(3), pp.218-259.
  23. Logan M, Reardon K, Figueroa L, McLain J, Ahmann D. 2005. Microbial community activities during establishment, performance, and decline of bench-scale passive treatment systems for mine drainage. Water Research 39:4537-51.
  24. Redman A, Macalady D, Ahmann D. 2002. Natural organic matter affects arsenic speciation and sorption onto hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 36(13):2889-96.
  25. McLain J, Kepler T, and Ahmann D. 2002. Below-ground factors mediating changes in methane consumption in a forest soil under elevated CO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16(3): 23-1 - 23-14.
  26. Stolz J, Ellis D, Blum J, Ahmann D, Lovley D, Oremland R. 1999. Sulfurospirillum barnesii sp. nov. and Sulfurospirillum arsenophilum sp. nov., new members of the Sulfurospirillum clade of the epsilon Proteobacteria. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 49(3): 1177-80.
  27. Ahmann D, Krumholz LR, Hemond HF, Lovley DR, and Morel FMM. 1997. Microbial mobilization of arsenic from sediments of the Aberjona watershed. Environmental Science & Technology 31:2923-30.
  28. Newman D, Kennedy E, Coates J, Ahmann D, Ellis D, Lovley D, Morel F. 1997. Dissimilatory arsenate and sulfate reduction in Desulfotomaculum auripigmentum sp. nov. Archives of Microbiology 168:380-388.
  29. Ahmann D, Roberts A, Krumholz L, Morel F. 1994. Microbe grows by reducing arsenic. Nature 371:750.
  30. Reuber T, Reed J, Glazebrook J, Glucksmann M, Ahmann D, Marra A, Walker G. 1991. Rhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharides: genetic analyses and symbiotic importance. Biochemical Society Transactions 19:636-41.